Saturday, July 6, 2013

Baby Shower

A few weeks ago my parents hosted a baby shower for Darren and Marisol.  Marisol chose an adorable Dr. Seuss theme and everything turned out so cute!  The day was filled with swimming, eating, visiting, games and more eating.  We are SO excited for that baby boy!  

Lorax punch
 Marisol drew the Lorax for all of the centerpieces.  So talented!

Precious ultrasound pictures of the baby. Love.

 Kayla and Kyler are thrilled to have so many new "cousins" to play with.

Kids cuddled up watching a movie.
 Darren and Marisol judging our awesome babies made out of play dough.
 Laughed so hard during this game.  Darren has no idea that Marisol has lipstick on her hands.
Still has no idea his face is covered in lipstick.  
He walked around for a while before one of the kids finally came up to Darren and asked him what was wrong with his face.  Haha!!

Time to spoil that baby!