Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Recital Time

Kayla had a very busy past few days getting ready for her dance recital.  As always the recital was amazing and we were so proud of Kayla and her team, all of their hard work really paid off! 

Dress rehearsal for tap.

No time to change costumes, so the girls practiced their ballet routine in their tap costume.  
Kayla and her dance buddy, Kendall.  ( I have night vision on, haha)

During a break in rehearsals, we headed to Chick fil a.  
Friday night, Kayla had a long night as she was in two shows and a part of five dances in each show.  
Kayla had great friends and family that came out to support her!  
Kayla and her good friend, Emmy.
Kayla with our good friends, Rita, Lily and Ava 

Eric participated in the Daddy Dance again this year.  Kayla has so much fun dancing with her daddy on stage!

 Day 2. Let the craziness begin!!  On Saturday, Kayla danced in four shows.
The girls had LOTS of down time backstage but had a blast hanging out together.  
Freshening up.  

Heading over to the stage to dance, Leader of the Pack for the last time.
After the show party at Red Robin.  The girls were SO excited to be invited to this all company party.  Did it matter that it was 10:30 at night and they had been at dance since 9:45 that morning??  Noooo, they were FULL of energy.  Wish I had half of it!