Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer is here!!!

Just some of the fun things we have been up to since school has been out.  We are so excited for a summer full of fun with friends and family!!

The first day of summer, we met up with some friends at the Val Vista Lakes clubhouse for some swimming fun at the "beach".

More swimming at Uncle Matt and Aunt Brooke's house.
   We met up with our friends, Ava and Lily at Skateland.  It was the kids first time rollerskating and after many falls and lots of whining, they were skating (slowly) by themselves and had a great time!  
The girls were inching their way out onto the rink.  
 Rita bravely leading the pack.  Haha!
 Kyler was really concentrating and did such a good job!  He was so cute!

 After skating, we headed to my parents house for a Memorial Day swim and barbecue.  

Hitting up the splash pad at San Tan after summer movie fun.
 We went over to the Harwood family's house for pizza one night and Kayla and Brooke decided they wanted to dress up and put on a parade for us all.  
 End of the year Girl Scout pool party.

 Last competition of year, KAR.
Stretching before competition.
 Kayla and her teacher, Ms. Tally.
 Getting some grub after competing.
 Having fun at Espee splash pad.

 Having ice cream with Ava to celebrate her 7th birthday!