Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekend Fun

We forgot all about the park in Fountain Hills with the huge fountain until we went to dinner with some friends one Saturday night in Fountain Hills and decided we would come back up the next day with the kids. We planned on just spending a few hours at the park and then head home but the kids had so much fun playing at the park and on the playground, we ended up spending the whole day and stayed for dinner, too.  We had a great time!  

 I took this picture as we were driving home.  I think the desert is so pretty in the spring.
 Mission accomplished!!
 On Friday night we met up our friends, the Harwood and Kopp families for Fit Families Earth Day celebration.  Kayla and Kyler had fun making this cute lady bug craft.  
Planting seeds in their biodegradable flower pots that they decorated.
The kids were given handfuls of lady bugs to release into the garden.  They LOVED it!  Gave me the heebie jeebies!  I felt like I had lady bugs crawling on me for the rest of the night.  

Kayla and Kyler with their friends, Dawson, Brooke and Brynne. 
 After Kyler's soccer game on Saturday, we headed to Makutu's Island with Grandpa Doug.  The kids were going a million miles an hour the whole time they were there.  They had so much fun!! 
 Stephanie and I on an early morning hike at Usery Pass.  It was such a pretty hike and the weather was perfect.