Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Field Trips

I went with Kayla and her class on a field trip to Arizona Natural History Museum (aka: Dinosaur Museum).  I was so glad that I was able to go along with Kayla and her class, I had a sweet little group of girls that I chaperoned and we had a lot of fun!
Kayla and her friend, Zadi excited to ride the bus.
 Panning for gold.  The kids thought it was real gold and wanted to use it to buy souvenirs at the gift store.  Hahaha, so cute!
 Discovering dinosaur bones!
 Kayla's teacher, Ms. VanderPol came over and read some books with our group.  

 On the bus heading to Skyline Park for a picnic lunch.  
Kayla's Girl Scout troop took a field trip to Build-A-Bear.  The girls did such a great job selling cookies, that the troop earned enough money for the girls to get a bear and Girl Scout outfit for their bear.  
 Kyler got a gift card to Build-A-Bear for his birthday so he was super excited to pick out a bear (or bunny) of his own.  
 Kayla, Kaelin and Ava with their adorable Girl Scout bunny and bears.
 Kyler and Hop.  : )  He was sooo excited to get his very own "Hop".