Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I'm a Big Boy Now!

Well, Kyler has always been a "big boy" but now Kyler is doing all the things big boys can do! Kyler started taking his first steps about two weeks before his first birthday and before we knew it, crawling was a thing of the past! He is walking more and more every day and rarely crawls anymore. He started standing up from the sitting position about a week ago. It is amazing how fast babies can pick up on a new skill, literally over night. The poor guy has four maybe five teeth coming in right now. So, he is a drooling machine and seems to have a hard time getting to sleep and staying asleep at night. Kyler continues to get into everything that he possibly can and has recently figured out how to open the back screen door and turn on the light switch when he is in his crib. Kyler is extremely curious and very hands on...loves to push buttons and see how things work. Kayla absolutely loves that Kyler can walk now and holds his hand and walks with him all over the house, it is too cute!