Sunday, July 14, 2013

Kyler the Fish

Kyler really enjoys swimming and has taken off this summer!  He loves to challenge himself and try new things.  He recently discovered that he can swim the length of my parents pool all by himself.  He is so proud of himself and we love to watch him get so excited about all of his new accomplishments!  

Eric took Kyler to the pool while Kayla and I were at dance one day and Eric said that Kyler wanted to try jumping off of the diving board.  He did great for his first time! 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July

We had a fun 4th of July over at my parents house.  Our friends, the Saba Family joined us along with Marisol's sister and family.  The kids of course spent the majority of the day swimming, made some crafts, and ate lots of yummy food.  It was fun to spend the day with such great friends and family.  

4th of July cuties!
Getting ready to swim
Beautiful girls!
 My handsome little man taking it easy.  
 All of the kids get excited when Uncle Darren gets in the pool!  
Rita and I with the kiddos.

 Throwing poppers on the ground.  I remember buying these from the ice cream man when I was little.  

 Making some 4th of July crafts.
 Getting ready to head to the park. 
 Marisol with her sister and husband.
 Time for sparklers!  

Waiting for fireworks to start.

 Watching the pre-fireworks show.  The kids thought this was the coolest thing ever.  They were cheering at the top of their lungs, it was so funny.

Summer Days

We have been having such a great summer!  Lots of fun with family and friends, we are not ready for summer to end quite yet!

The kids had a lot of fun at Vacation Bible School.  Even though we go to a small church, they sure do go all out for those kids. 
 They learned how to serve their family, friends and community.  
 Song time 
 Funny popcorn game.  
 Before it got too hot out, we went miniature golfing with the Kopp and Harwood families.  The kids had so much fun!

 One of our goals for this summer was to gradually limit the use of Kyler's floaties.  We thought it would take some time for him to get use to swimming without his floaties but we were wrong.  He took off!  Kyler has definitely found is niche.  All he wants to do is swim.  He can now swim the length of my parents pool all by himself and get rings from the bottom of the deep end.  We are so proud of our little fishy.
 Indoor campout
 Telling ghost stories...
 Even Alice told a story.
 Fun at Bounce U...
 Result of poor Kyler getting kneed in the eye by someone at the bottom of the slide.  : (
 Kayla and I went to cheer on Lily and Ava at their dance recital.  
 Swimming has been our activity of choice this summer...  
At the Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center with our friends, Emmy, Nate, Ella and Jack.
 Swimming fun with Kaelin and Ava.
 MORE swimming with Grace, Noah and Asher.
And yes, more swimming at Emmy's house.

 Play date with Kayla's friend, Brooklin.
 Loading up on yummy toppings at the Popcorn Bar.
  Skateland with Sarah and Heather. 
 American Girl Doll Camp.  
 And what summer is complete without playing with water from the hose?  

Sleepover with Ava and Abigail.  
 Time for sundaes!  
 More sleepover fun with Sarah and Emmy.
 Pillow fight!  The girls eventually turned on Eric and I and beat us good with their pillows.  Haha!
 Eric trying to impress the kids with his card tricks. 
 We had a much needed getaway with Matt, Brooke and Eric's dad.  We headed up to Prescott's Whiskey Row to celebrate Eric and Matt's birthdays.  
 Date Night.  Kayla and I enjoyed yummy Bahama Bucks while Kyler and daddy went and had frozen yogurt.  Kayla and I then had the fun idea to invite the boys to meet us at the park for some flashlight hide and seek.