Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weekend Fun

We forgot all about the park in Fountain Hills with the huge fountain until we went to dinner with some friends one Saturday night in Fountain Hills and decided we would come back up the next day with the kids. We planned on just spending a few hours at the park and then head home but the kids had so much fun playing at the park and on the playground, we ended up spending the whole day and stayed for dinner, too.  We had a great time!  

 I took this picture as we were driving home.  I think the desert is so pretty in the spring.
 Mission accomplished!!
 On Friday night we met up our friends, the Harwood and Kopp families for Fit Families Earth Day celebration.  Kayla and Kyler had fun making this cute lady bug craft.  
Planting seeds in their biodegradable flower pots that they decorated.
The kids were given handfuls of lady bugs to release into the garden.  They LOVED it!  Gave me the heebie jeebies!  I felt like I had lady bugs crawling on me for the rest of the night.  

Kayla and Kyler with their friends, Dawson, Brooke and Brynne. 
 After Kyler's soccer game on Saturday, we headed to Makutu's Island with Grandpa Doug.  The kids were going a million miles an hour the whole time they were there.  They had so much fun!! 
 Stephanie and I on an early morning hike at Usery Pass.  It was such a pretty hike and the weather was perfect.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Team Transformers

Kyler started his new season of soccer with his team, Transformers.  We are excited for another fun season of soccer!  
Go, Kyler!!
Practicing before the game.
 Little pep talk before the game.
 Kyler and his friend, Ella after the game enjoying snack.  

Field Trips

I went with Kayla and her class on a field trip to Arizona Natural History Museum (aka: Dinosaur Museum).  I was so glad that I was able to go along with Kayla and her class, I had a sweet little group of girls that I chaperoned and we had a lot of fun!
Kayla and her friend, Zadi excited to ride the bus.
 Panning for gold.  The kids thought it was real gold and wanted to use it to buy souvenirs at the gift store.  Hahaha, so cute!
 Discovering dinosaur bones!
 Kayla's teacher, Ms. VanderPol came over and read some books with our group.  

 On the bus heading to Skyline Park for a picnic lunch.  
Kayla's Girl Scout troop took a field trip to Build-A-Bear.  The girls did such a great job selling cookies, that the troop earned enough money for the girls to get a bear and Girl Scout outfit for their bear.  
 Kyler got a gift card to Build-A-Bear for his birthday so he was super excited to pick out a bear (or bunny) of his own.  
 Kayla, Kaelin and Ava with their adorable Girl Scout bunny and bears.
 Kyler and Hop.  : )  He was sooo excited to get his very own "Hop".  

Easter Egg Hunt

One of my favorite traditions has always been the Easter egg hunt.  My grandparents had one every year for all of the kids when I was growing up and I knew that this was a tradition I wanted to continue with my children.  The weather was perfect and we had a great time sharing this tradition with our friends and family.  
Cute little kiddos waiting for their friends to arrive.

 Lily, Emmy, Ava, and Kayla.
 Anxiously awaiting permission to GO!  
 And they are off...!
 Checking out the eggs.

Must be good!

 Kayla and Kyler helped me make the bunny centerpieces.  They turned out so cute!

Kyler's 4th Birthday

This year we had Kyler's Scooby-Doo themed party at Great Play.  Kyler had so much fun with his friends!  
The birthday boy!
 The cute birthday boy ready to party!
 Thanks to my friend, Krystle for making the yummy Scooby Snack shaped birthday cake.

 Receiving their medals.  
 Making a wish...
Kyler finally gets to dig into the yummy birthday cake!

 What a great group of friends!

 Kyler got a new big boy bike from Grandpa Doug!
Kayla made this sweet birthday card for Kyler.

Kyler's preschool friends giving him a group hug after we sang, Happy Birthday to him.  What cuties!!