Thursday, November 8, 2012

Disneyland Day 3- It's Parade Day!

Today was the big day that the girls were to be dancing for the taping of Disneyland's Christmas Day parade scheduled to air "live" Christmas Day on ABC.  I definitely have a new appreciation for all that goes into putting a parade together and for those in the parade that do take after take after take. The girls did such an amazing job and kept smiles on their faces despite the long wait, three retakes and the sun right in their faces!  It was so exciting for us to watch Kayla experiencing something so memorable!  
Because the parade is scheduled to air Christmas Day, the audience was asked to wear Christmas gear. 
The fan club!  We got our spot six hours early to make sure that we would be able to see Kayla.  Good thing we did because spots were gone shortly after the park opened.

Mario Lopez hosting the parade.
Sneak Peak!

Disney crew and choreographer walking the girls down Main St. to the spot where they were filmed.
Our little car hop!

Take One.  After quickly realizing that the girls were not dancing in front of us but rather at the end of Main St.  I booked it like a crazy person through the crowd and squeezed my way through to get some pictures of Kayla. 
Walking back for Take Two. I pretty much stalked Kayla everywhere they went in order to get pictures!  Lol!
Take Two and Three.  Cannot wait to see the whole thing put together on Christmas Day!!!

A little later in the night, we met up with Rob, Alaina and Lexi to go on some rides. 
Space Mountain was SO much fun-one of our favorites! I'm behind Eric's hands.  Haha!
Splash Mountain!  The guys had to "pose" for the pictures.  I love how Kyler looks terrified in every picture even though he wanted to go on this ride over and over again!
Going down Splash Mountain with Alaina and my parents.  My dad amused by all of our screaming.  I was hoarse the whole time we were there due to all the screaming that I did on the various rides.