Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Polar Express

Over the weekend we went up to Williams, Arizona to ride the Polar Express.  My parents, Eric's dad, brother and wife came along with us and we had a great time!  It just so happened that it was also Kayla's 7th birthday so she got an extra special celebration this year. 

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday, Kayla!

Wishing our Kayla a Happy 7th Birthday!  We are so proud of you and love you so much!

November 24th, 2005

1st birthday

 2nd birthday

 3rd birthday

4th birthday
5th birthday

6th birthday
 7th birthday

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

We celebrated Thanksgiving over at my parent's house and enjoyed the day relaxing, eating, playing games, eating, playing at the park and of course, remembering all that we have to be so thankful for!   

We had some pretty intense games of ping pong.

 Time to dig in at the kids table.
Kyler had been waiting all day to eat pumpkin pie!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kayla's 7th Birthday Party

Today we celebrated Kayla's 7th birthday at, As You Wish.  Kayla and her friends had fun painting pottery and being silly girls together!  Thank you to all of Kayla's friends for making today such a special day for her! 
The birthday girl

The cute and yummy cupcakes that my friend and Kayla's Girl Scout leader made for the party.  custompartythemes.blogspot.com
The girls had fun painting either a butterfly or jewelry box.

Kyler joined the party, too.

The birthday plate that all of Kayla's friends signed.
Love it!
The girls singing their version of, "Happy Birthday" to Kayla. 
The birthday girl making a wish...
Kayla with all of her friends
Kyler jumped in this one.  Haha!
They all wanted to pose.  Silly girls!
The After Party Crew.  We went to lunch after the party and enjoyed some much needed adult time while the kids entertained themselves.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Little Mermaid

We went with our friends Ava, Lily, and Rita to see the play, The Little Mermaid Jr. at the Queen Creek Performing Arts Center.  The play was really good and the girls loved singing along to all of the familiar songs, it was really cute! 

 The line for Ariel was too long so we settled for one of her sisters.  Lol!

San Tan Flats

We went to San Tan Flats on Friday night with our friends, the Saba Family and the Horlacher Family.  The kids had a blast dancing and could have danced all night if it didn't start raining.  The rain came at a good time though, we had been there for a few hours and the kids were wearing down one by one.  We had a fun night!

 Silly girls!
A little rain didn't stop these girls from dancing! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Happiest Place on Earth

We made it!  We went to Disneyland this year along with my parents to watch Kayla and her dance team participate in the Dance the Magic Parade and again for the filming of Disney's Christmas Day parade.  The team has been practicing for months to get ready for the parades and Kayla was so excited to dance down Main St.!  I love Disneyland and was already excited to go and then to add the excitement of watching Kayla dance at Disneyland just made the trip that much more memorable. It was also so fun to have my parents there to share in the excitement!   

Some of the park was still decorated for Halloween/Fall

Awkward!  So, I wanted to get my picture taken with the kids, Jack Skellington and Sally, too but at the last second, Jack kneeled down and I really didn't know how to stand.  Lol!!
Love the Haunted Mansion when it is decorated for Halloween!
Waiting in line to ride Big Thunder Mountain.
Here we go..
My dad had never been on Space Mountain before so we peer pressured him in to riding it for the first time. : ) He liked it!
After my parents took Kyler back to the room because he was tired, Eric, Kayla and I went on some rides.  All Kayla wanted to do was ride Splash Mountain over and over.  Of course I was in the front and after going down two times and getting soaked, Eric and Kayla went on again for a third time without me.  In this picture, Eric is supposed to be on his cell phone, apparently making an angry phone call.  I always love how cute Kayla manages to look as if the massive drop is no big deal.