Here are just some fun random pictures...
Some friends and I sporting our awesome socks and neon shorts before we ran 3 miles in the Neon Splash Dash. The run was ok but we had a lot of fun!
Kayla and I at Mommy Muffin Day at her school.
While I was at the Neon Splash Dash, Eric took the kids to our church to watch a magic show. The kids got to help Grandma Jean get snacks ready before the show started.
Eric and my mom said the kids were in awe of the magician and his tricks. Lol! My mom also said that Kyler would clap after everything that he did.
All cuddled up watching a Halloween movie. Love the looks on their faces.
Our little bookworm. Kayla has really taken off with her reading and loves to read whenever she can. Makes her momma proud!