Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Party

On Friday, we went to a fun Halloween party at our friend's, the May's house. Stephanie always does such a good job decorating and coming up with fun activities for the kids to do.  We had a lot of fun!!

Captain Hook, Kyler and Butterfly Fairy, Kayla
The hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
 The mummy cupcakes that I made for the party.
 Jumping on the spooky trampoline.  I think Kyler spent most of the night jumping in here.
 Kayla and Kyler with their friends, Lexi and Hailey in front of the baby haunted house.
 The balloon man was awesome!
Kyler with his little buddy from preschool, Ella.
 Hailey, Kyler and Nate
 Emmy and Kayla
 Kayla walking with monster feet.
 Kyler walking with monster feet.