Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

The kids were super excited to carve the pumpkin and scoop out all of the guts!     
Gooey pumpkin guts!
 Kyler was not too sure about the pumpkin guts, he was flinging that stuff all over the kitchen.

 Our Jack Skellington pumpkin.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Party

On Friday, we went to a fun Halloween party at our friend's, the May's house. Stephanie always does such a good job decorating and coming up with fun activities for the kids to do.  We had a lot of fun!!

Captain Hook, Kyler and Butterfly Fairy, Kayla
The hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
 The mummy cupcakes that I made for the party.
 Jumping on the spooky trampoline.  I think Kyler spent most of the night jumping in here.
 Kayla and Kyler with their friends, Lexi and Hailey in front of the baby haunted house.
 The balloon man was awesome!
Kyler with his little buddy from preschool, Ella.
 Hailey, Kyler and Nate
 Emmy and Kayla
 Kayla walking with monster feet.
 Kyler walking with monster feet.

Halloween Festival

Last night we went along with our friends, Stephanie, Emmy and Nate to the Halloween Festival at Freestone Park.  We go to the festival every year and we noticed right away how different it was from previous years.  There were several more inflatables for the kids to go on which made for pretty much nonexistent lines, nice.  We had a great time!  

Kyler, Nate, Emmy and Kayla

 Poor Stephanie waited in line with the kids in the longest line at the festival (minus Kyler, he was scared) for about 15 minutes to go in this alien haunted house and as soon as they finally got their lasers to go in,  the door opened up, they got a glimpse of what was inside and they ran out.  Haha!
 Eric was excited to go on the spinning strawberry ride with the kids.  The first time they did it, they all came out asking to go again but later in the night (after eating) when we came back to go on it again, poor Nate got sick.  : ( 

 The kids dancing on the hill, or their "stage" as they called it.  There was a band playing live music and then when the band took a break they played some Halloween music, I think the kids could have danced all night if we would have let them. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

This and That

Here are just some fun random pictures...

Some friends and I sporting our awesome socks and neon shorts before we ran 3 miles in the Neon Splash Dash.  The run was ok but we had a lot of fun!
 Kayla and I at Mommy Muffin Day at her school.
 While I was at the Neon Splash Dash, Eric took the kids to our church to watch a magic show.  The kids got to help Grandma Jean get snacks ready before the show started.
 Eric and my mom said the kids were in awe of the magician and his tricks.  Lol!  My mom  also said that Kyler would clap after everything that he did. 
 All cuddled up watching a Halloween movie.  Love the looks on their faces.
 Our little bookworm.  Kayla has really taken off with her reading and loves to read whenever she can.  Makes her momma proud! 

Mother Nature's Pumpkin Patch

Last Friday, we visited yet again another pumpkin patch.  We went over to my parents house for some pizza and then headed to Mother Nature's Pumpkin Patch.  The weather was perfect, it was not too crowded and the the kids had so much fun!

Getting ready to go on the hayride.

Decorating pumpkins
 The corn maze that they wanted to do over and over again!  Of course, daddy had to hide along the way and jump out to scare the kids and even mommy a few times.  Haha!


 Didn't realize that Kyler was mid-yawn when we took this picture.  Lol!!

Fall Break

We had a lot of fun with friends and family over Fall Break!  Just wish the weather would have been a little cooler during the day, oh well!

Day 1: We visited Vertuccio's Farm.
Kayla and Kyler with their friend's, Lexi, Hailey, Emmy, Nate, Ella and Jack.

 They did this all on their own.  Fun picture!

 Getting all hot and sweaty in the bouncy.
Playing some games...
 Emmy, Kayla and Lexi were pretending that they lived on the farm.
 Little buddies

Making our way through the corn maze (we found a short cut, heehee).
Day 2: We met up with a friend of mine at San Tan and chatted while the kiddos played.  Talking too much = no pictures.

Day 3: Look familiar??  We met up with Ava and Lilly at Vertuccio's Farm for more pumpkin patch fun! 
 Getting crazy on the pillow bouncy

Suggesting which way to go (so we can hit the short cut route again, haha). 
 Ava milking the cow and Kyler watching her with a confused look on his face.  He kept saying the cow was going the bathroom.  Lol!  We don't get to the farm much.

Aunt Brooke was on Fall Break, too and wanted to come along with us to the pumpkin patch.  The kids were so glad that she was coming, too!

 Kiddos on the seesaw.  The mommies took a turn, too but no pictures to show for it, darn!  Lol!
 Hungry moms and kids=lunch at Applebees
 Day 4: Kyler likes to have "slumber parties" in Kayla's room so on the nights that they don't have school the next day we occasionally let them sleep together.  It is so funny to stand outside of Kayla's room and listen to them talk. 
 I took the kids to get their flu shots and they both did really good so as a reward, we went to Cold Stone for some ice cream.
 We then hit the park for some fun time together.

 While Kyler was napping, Kayla and I played an intense game of Disney Princess Guess Who. 

Day 5: Earlier in the week Kayla went to her friend from school, Grace's birthday party.  The girls had a lot of fun together so we decided to get them together again over fall break. 

We met Grace and her brother's at the park and had a really nice time.  Small world story: Grace's mom and I used to go to the same church when we were younger and my mom was her preschool teacher!  Crazy!

Kayla and Grace
 Kayla, Grace, Kyler and Noah