Friday, July 20, 2012

Kohls Ranch

Every summer we used to go camping with my family until fires were prohibited at campsites due to forest fires. We still wanted to get out of the heat and head up north for cooler weather so last year my dad found Kohls Ranch and we thought we would check it out. Once we got there we all feel in love with the place and decided that we would come here every summer.
We absolutely LOVE being at Kohls Ranch. It is so pretty and the kids enjoy being outside practically the whole time we are there. The cabin has its own front yard that the kids can run around in, a gorgeous greenbelt that is right behind the cabin and then directly behind the greenbelt is the creek. There is also a playground, basketball court, volleyball court, tennis court, pool and horse stables. There is so much to do and we just love the scenery and can't get enough of it while we are there. Each year we say, next year we will stay longer.
While we are up at Kohls Ranch, we also rent a boat and (slowly) cruise around Woods Canyon Lake. Another place that is just so pretty and relaxing.

The creek that we spent a lot of time at and in.

Kayla was so excited to walk on the rocks in the creek.

The kids eventually "fell" into the creek and got soaking wet. They had so much fun!

Having fun at the greenbelt behind the cabin.

One morning, the kids discovered a ladybug crawling around in the grass.

Woods Canyon Lake

Such a pretty place, I get a little carried away with the picture taking.

Having breakfast on the deck out back on our last morning.

Saying good-bye to the creek.

Before we headed home we went to Christopher Creek and had lunch at a restaurant that is right next to another beautiful creek.

Because we love the scenery at Kohls Ranch so much we decided to do a family photo shoot while we were up there. I WILL print these pictures out and put them in the blank frames throughout my house. Lol!! I have a special spot reserved just for these pictures.