Sunday, July 8, 2012

4th of July

We went over to my parent's house to celebrate the 4th of July. As we all know the weather was not the normal HOT Arizona 4th of July weather this year which was kind of nice. We had a fun day spending time with my family and then ending the night with friends to watch fireworks.

Playing in the rain

Making some 4th of July crafts while waiting for the rain to die down.

My favorite 4th of July tradition, homemade ice cream! YUM!

Time to swim! Notice the goggles-yea! Kayla's eyes get REALLY irritated after swimming and we finally found a pair of goggles that she would wear. Kyler just loved to sport his goggles, too.

Both of the kids have really taken off with swimming this summer. Kyler is even jumping in with no floaties and "swimming" over to us, while we stand very close. : ) He felt so proud of himself and wanted to jump in over and over again.

I thought this was a cute shot. The kids having some conversation with Uncle Darren.

The adults playing Phase 10 while the kids were playing.

We also celebrated Eric's birthday which was at the end of June.

We met up with our friends, Aubrey, Jeff and Dawson to watch fireworks. Here Kayla and Baby Dawson are dancing to the band.