Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break

Last week, we took advantage of the fact that the weather was nice and it was spring break so we were outside, often. Unfortunately, someone (daddy) was putting the pictures on the computer and accidentally erased some of the pictures I took of us hiking with Alaina and her girls, Kayla's first rollerskating experience and the pictures of Kyler destroying his room during nap time. Oh well. Here are some of the other pictures that I took over our week off from school, dance and Girl Scouts. It was soooo nice!

Kyler loves to play with Legos. He gets so proud of himself when he builds a tall tower.

Kayla helping mommy get ready for our corned beef and cabbage dinner. Yum!

Decorating placements for our St. Patrick's Day dinner.

What cute little leprechauns! Notice that Kayla put a bow on her hat because she said that she wanted to be a girl leprechaun.

The chain gang

Play date with Parker