Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Time Flies

I can remember the day Kyler was born like it was just yesterday! Happy 2nd Birthday, Kyler!!

Kyler Page Williams
March 23rd, 2009 7:32 a.m.

Kyler at 1 year

Kyler at 2 years

"Oh no!"

While mommy was getting ready yesterday, Kyler decided to get into Kayla's nail polish. Not only was it all over his arms but it was also all over Kayla's comforter. "Oh no, is right!! But seriously, look at that face, HOW could I be mad??

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kyler's 2nd Birthday Party

On Saturday, we celebrated Kyler's 2nd birthday with our friends and family at Desert Breeze Park. The weather was perfect and we spent most of the day at the park enjoying the weather and company. Since Kyler loves bulldozers, thanks to the ongoing construction by our house, we thought that a construction themed party would be perfect. Kyler and his friends enjoyed playing on the playground, flying kites, riding the train and the carousel and of course eating chocolate cupcakes! We had such a great day and want to thank our friends and family for making this day so special for Kyler!

Big Boy Bed

We noticed that Kyler was starting to attempt at climbing out of his bed so before he was successful, we decided it was time to switch to a big boy bed. For the most part, he has done pretty good with a few exceptions at nap time. What a big boy! Not sure why he looks so angry in this picture. Lol!

Spring Break

Last week, we took advantage of the fact that the weather was nice and it was spring break so we were outside, often. Unfortunately, someone (daddy) was putting the pictures on the computer and accidentally erased some of the pictures I took of us hiking with Alaina and her girls, Kayla's first rollerskating experience and the pictures of Kyler destroying his room during nap time. Oh well. Here are some of the other pictures that I took over our week off from school, dance and Girl Scouts. It was soooo nice!

Kyler loves to play with Legos. He gets so proud of himself when he builds a tall tower.

Kayla helping mommy get ready for our corned beef and cabbage dinner. Yum!

Decorating placements for our St. Patrick's Day dinner.

What cute little leprechauns! Notice that Kayla put a bow on her hat because she said that she wanted to be a girl leprechaun.

The chain gang

Play date with Parker

Monday, March 14, 2011

Aviation Days

Over the weekend, we enjoyed the gorgeous weather with Alaina and her kids and went to Aviation Days at Gateway Airport. It was really neat for the kids to see the planes, helicopters and fire trucks up close.