Monday, September 6, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

Lately, Kayla has been putting her long winter dresses on over her pj's and then puts a bow in her hair before she goes to bed. Who knows maybe she has a hot date and sneaks out in the middle of the night. LOL!!

Apples of My Eye

On Friday in preschool, the kids made little apple pies. Well, I had some leftover ingredients so I thought it would be fun if Kayla and Kyler made little apple pies for our dessert. They had fun dumping (literally) the ingredients on the little crusts, patiently watched and waited for the pies to be done (and yes, those are pants on Kayla's head. She puts pants or skirts on her head when she wants to pretend that she has long hair, poor thing!) and Kayla even wrote down the recipe. The pies turned out really yummy!


Kayla has been asking to go hiking for a long time now and we kept telling her once the weather cools down we will go. Well, we thought that we would take a day trip to Sedona and enjoy the somewhat cooler weather and the gorgeous scenery and go hiking. Little did we know that Sedona is the new hot spot on a holiday weekend. The traffic was horrible!! However, once we got there we traveled through Sedona to Oak Creek Canyon. Eric and I have gone there several times and we love the trails. We found a perfect trail right by the creek and had so much fun! Kayla loves to hike and Kyler had fun riding on daddy's shoulders. We have decided we need to do stuff like this more often!!


After Great Play on Saturday, we headed over to Jeepers. We haven't been there since Kayla's 3rd birthday and I was pregnant with Kyler. Jeepers is the perfect place for the kids to play and has rides that they can ride on without mommy or daddy. They had soooo much fun and we had a blast watching them play together. The favorite ride was definitely the train. The girl operating the train would just laugh when she saw us coming to ride the train over and over again. I decided to go on a ride with the kids and why I chose to go on a ride that spins is beyond me. Anyone that knows me knows that I have major motion sickness, I can barely do the carousel. So, as soon as the ride started I knew it was a mistake but I can't ask to get off a KIDS ride! So, I seriously felt like my head was spinning and I was going to fall over as soon as the ride stopped. Eric thought it was hilarious because he knows how I HATE rides that spin so of course being the sympathetic husband that he is, took a ton of pictures of me looking like I was going to vomit. I included one that was not too bad. Kayla and Kyler definitely inherited Eric's tough stomach!

Day Date

On Saturday's we all take Kyler to Great Play and Kayla and I watch Daddy and Kyler play for about 30 minutes, then Kayla and I walk over to Starbucks (yum) and have a special "Day Date" as Kayla calls it. Kayla gets her usual "Kids Drink" (strawberry milk) and I get my usual Caramel Macchiato (yum). We always pick out a special breakfast treat and have fun "chatting" on the patio until Daddy and Kyler come to pick us up once class is over. I have so much fun watching Kyler play and then spending some special time with Kayla. The coffee is just an added bonus!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Little Mermaid

Last weekend, I took Kayla to meet up with her friends Emmy and Lexi to watch the Little Mermaid at the Hale Theatre in Gilbert. Kayla was so excited to watch the play. The girls were getting a little antsy though waiting for the play to start so they started chanting, "Ariel, Ariel". It was so funny. The girls were on the edge of their seats the whole time and had such fun time together. And of course, the huge chocolate chip cookie was an added bonus!

Smarty Pants

So, I have been so excited for Kayla to get homework since she started school (I know what a dork!). Kayla has been reading short stories with her teachers and when she has read them a few times at school, the book comes home with some comprehension questions at the end of the story that we do with Kayla. Kayla reads the story and then reads the sentences that she has to sequence. Eric and I are SO proud of her accomplishments and all of her hard work at school! And by the way, yes that is an Easter dress she is wearing from two years ago-go figure.

Love it!

These are the moments that make me smile and run to get my camera before the moment is over! I caught Kayla and Kyler "reading" my cookbooks (that were dusty and probably buried in the pantry-haha). It was just so cute to see them both laying side by side "reading"-it was a mother and teacher's dream come true!

What in the world??

A few weeks ago I took Kayla and Kyler to the mall to see Duper and meet up with their friends Emmy, Nate, Lexi and Hailey. Duper was a bust, the lady that regularly sings and does all of the dancing was gone so they brought in the Zoo Lady which was cool for about five animals and then the kids started losing interest so the mommies decided to go and hit the play area. The play area was crowded but we kept a close eye on the kids for a while and then waited in line for the carousel. I usually don't do carousels because I'm a total wimp and get motion sickness (I know, how pathetic) but I sucked it up and rode the carousel with the kids. As we were leaving, I told the girls that I wanted to get a quick picture of them. Well, they had the idea of standing on the wall and posing and posing they did!! Then I snapped a picture of the babies looking at their sisters like, "What in the world are they doing??" Too cute!