Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mother's Day

Yes, I know that Mother's Day was a while ago but an event took place that day that is worthy of mentioning even if it is almost one month later. One night my mom and I were trying to decide what the menu was going to be for Mother's Day when I jokingly asked, "Why are we the ones doing this? Shouldn't the guys be cooking us dinner on our day?" Well, my mom and I liked the way that sounded and proposed the idea (actually we told them they were going to cook) and the men agreed to the "idea". It was so funny to hear my dad call and then Eric would go in the other room so they could secretly plan the menu. Eric went to the Farmer's Market to buy fruit for the fruit pizza that we requested (we couldn't let them off easy) put the casserole in the crock pot and then my dad and Darren came over early to help cook everything else. The meal turned out really good! Now that we know how well they can plan, shop, prepare and cook we might have to propose the "idea" more often! The men did a nice job of making sure that all of the mother's had a very special day!