Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Here are some random pictures that have been taken over the last month. It is fun to watch Kayla and Kyler play together (when it's nicely) and see how much Kyler watches everything his big sister does and tries to do the same thing. Which can be good and bad! Kyler is developing quite the personality! He loves to test his mommy and see what he can get away with. He loves to laugh at me when I tell him no, slowly backs away as I tell him to come here, climb on everything and play with anything and everything that is NOT a toy! Kyler is all boy! At the same time, he is such a sweetie! He still loves to cuddle and I'm loving every minute of it before it is too late. Kayla continues to be my little helper and does such a good job of looking out for her baby brother. She has been telling me lately that she is so glad that she has a baby brother. Too cute!