Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kyler 6 Months

Wow, how time flies by!! Kyler has been changing so much lately and achieving so many milestones. He can now sit up all by himself and loves playing with all of the toys that are now at his eye level. He is eating cereal, vegetables and fruits. He of course, eats like a champ- no big surprise there! We introduced him to a sippy cup, which he loves to hold and bang on the highchair. Kyler is babbling and cooing and tries to imitate the faces and sounds that we make. It is so fun to "talk" to him, he just carries on this little conversation with us, it is too cute!! Everyone always comments on how much he smiles and how happy he is, which is true most of the time. We like to say that Kyler has, "Restaurant Radar". He is perfectly happy until we step foot into a restaurant, then he is hungry, tired and just plain unhappy. Other than that all we have to do is look at Kyler and he will give us one of his big smiles. His loves his lullaby's and when we read stories to him (only because he likes to hit and chew on the pages). Kyler is definitely a people person and is the happiest when he can watch or be with other people. Thankfully though, he plays by himself for longer periods of time now and does not need to be moved around from one thing to the next. It is so fun to watch him change and grow and become such a happy baby!