Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Kyler's Baptism

Kyler was baptized on Sunday at Grace United Methodist Church. He looked so adorable in his little suit! It was a memorable day for us, we were surrounded by family and friends that shared in Kyler's special day.

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Beauty Shop

I took Kayla to get her first pedicure and manicure. We thought it would be fun for her get her nails done with mommy for the wedding and Disneyland. Kayla is going to be the flower girl in my friend, Aubrey's wedding and then we are joining up with the Blawat Family to go to Disneyland for 3 days! Kayla is SO excited to wear her humongous puffy flower girl dress and then see all of the princesses at Disneyland. I forgot to take a close up of her nails (I will get one later) but they are red with white polka dots on her fingers and a silhouette of Mikey Mouse on her thumb. They are too cute! She had fun going to the "real beauty shop".

Kyler 6 Months

Wow, how time flies by!! Kyler has been changing so much lately and achieving so many milestones. He can now sit up all by himself and loves playing with all of the toys that are now at his eye level. He is eating cereal, vegetables and fruits. He of course, eats like a champ- no big surprise there! We introduced him to a sippy cup, which he loves to hold and bang on the highchair. Kyler is babbling and cooing and tries to imitate the faces and sounds that we make. It is so fun to "talk" to him, he just carries on this little conversation with us, it is too cute!! Everyone always comments on how much he smiles and how happy he is, which is true most of the time. We like to say that Kyler has, "Restaurant Radar". He is perfectly happy until we step foot into a restaurant, then he is hungry, tired and just plain unhappy. Other than that all we have to do is look at Kyler and he will give us one of his big smiles. His loves his lullaby's and when we read stories to him (only because he likes to hit and chew on the pages). Kyler is definitely a people person and is the happiest when he can watch or be with other people. Thankfully though, he plays by himself for longer periods of time now and does not need to be moved around from one thing to the next. It is so fun to watch him change and grow and become such a happy baby!

Fun with Kayla and Kyler

The weather hasn't been too bad in the afternoon lately so we have been spending a lot of time in the backyard. Kayla loves to play on the swing set and Kyler just has a blast looking around at the trees and watching Kayla play. We put Kyler in the "baby" swing but Kayla had a hard time giving it up so she wanted to swing with Kyler. He actually loved it!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Birthday Weekend

I had such a fun birthday weekend! It was so nice to spend some time with family and friends. We started out the weekend by going out to eat with some friends at Blue Wasabi, a new sushi restaurant by our house. Eric and I are not sushi fans but the restaurant had "cheater" rolls that were made for people like us. The next day, Eric and I went to a new water park and had a blast!! Then on Sunday, we finished off the weekend of celebrating at my parents house. We went swimming, played games while the kids were napping and then my mom subjected us all to a game of "Pin the Tail on the Donkey". Kayla thinks that anytime it is someones birthday that any get together you have to celebrate is the "party". And what kind of party would it be without games and cake?? So...we were all good sports and had fun playing the game. Guess who won? Kayla!! That girl beats us at every game we play. I guess that doesn't say much...

Kyler at 5 Months

Kyler seems to be growing and changing everyday. He is so aware of his surroundings and still loves to be sitting upright so that he can see everything that is going on around him. His favorite activity is now jumping in his Jumparoo. He loves that thing. He can jump, scream, laugh, observe what is going on and most importantly, watch his big sister playing. Kyler seems to absolutely adore, Kayla. He loves to watch her, "talk" to her, laugh at her-it is adorable!! He can roll over now from his tummy to his back and is so close to rolling from his back to tummy. He can sit up if we put him in the sitting position but is still working on strengthening the muscles in his back. He is eating cereal in the morning and oatmeal at night now. I still think that he is longing for the day he can have some real food. He tries to hold his bottle when we are feeding him, probably just to make sure we don't take it away. Kyler is such a sweet little boy and we are having so much fun with him!