Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kyler at 2 weeks

The past two weeks have sure been eventful. Kyler has his days and nights mixed up which makes for long nights for Eric and I. He loves to grunt and squirm from about 11:00 to 2:30ish. We are trying to figure out what works best to calm him down so we can get some sleep. We will get it figured out one of these days...Kayla still loves him to death but we have to keep a close eye on her while she continues to learn how to love him gently. We are starting to notice a little bit more of an attitude from her but we know that this is normal and will pass. I'm looking forward to the day that Kyler and I can venture outdoors, I go a little stir crazy staying at home all day. The doctor said to give it a couple of more weeks before we go out in public. So, in the meantime Eric and I take turns getting out of the house with Kayla while one of us stays at home with Kyler.