Sunday, December 28, 2014

November Days

Our Thankful Tree
Both of the kids were Star Students in November.  Kyler got to decorate this poster and carry around Curious George with him all week.  
Dinner with George and Grandma.
Journaling about all of the fun things we did with George.  
Kayla also had a fun week being Star Student.  We decorated a poster, Grandma Jean went in to her class to read, I went in to have lunch one day and she even got to read a letter that we wrote telling her class just how special Kayla is.  
Kyler and his buddy Liam painting at Liam's birthday party.  
Skateland birthday party

A neighbor and I dragged out our firepits one night and we had such a fun time, we decided to start a new tradition, Firepit Fridays.  Every Friday we would drag the firepits out and all of the neighbors and kids on our street would come out for a night of fun.  The kids looked forward to Firepit Fridays all week.

 Happy 9th Birthday sweet Kayla!
Kayla and Kyler were surprised at school with a visit from our friends from Texas.  

Spending her birthday at dance with her buddies.  
Girl Scout Mother/daughter night at Skateland.  

We enjoyed spending some time with the May and Pittman families during the May's visit from Texas.  

 Instead of a birthday party this year, Kayla wanted to go back to Kohls Ranch.  We invited our friends, the Saba Family to come along with us.  We had a great time! 

 Love our Thanksgiving Day hike photobomb picture.
We had a nice Thanksgiving Day at my parents house.  

 We had a family get together to celebrate Kayla's 9th birthday. 

Apple cider floats-yum!