Sunday, December 28, 2014

December Days

Decorating the Christmas tree. 

Kayla's Girl Scout troop filled boxes with hygiene supplies that were going to homeless shelters.  

After the boxes were filled, the girls went Christmas caroling.  
When Kayla had one of her late dance nights, daddy took Kyler to meet up with some friends to play in the snow and then watch a Christmas parade.  
The Nutcracker

Kyler's last t-ball game.  We will be taking a break for the winter session.  It started getting too cold for us wimps!  

I went along with Kayla and her class on their field trip to the Science Center.  Love this little group of friends, they have been buddies since Kindergarten.  

Decorating a dozen Christmas cookies at her Girl Scout Christmas party.  

 3rd grade Christmas performance.

Kayla and Kyler decorating their gingerbread themed Christmas tree.

 Kyler got to decorate a gingerbread house at school.  He was SO excited!
Excited for Christmas break!!!!
All ready for some gingerbread house decorating...

 Christmas train ride at the McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park. 

Every year, my parents have the kids decorate their own little tree.  
Baking day over at Darren and Marisol's house.  

Delivering cookie plates to neighbors.
 Zoo Lights

We had the cul-de-sac kids over for Christmas movie night.  The kids came over in jammies, brought pillows and blankets so of course, they had to have a pillow fight before we could settle down to watch the movie. 

 Annual Christmas party over at Aubrey's parents house.  I think these crazy kids had one too many candy canes! 
 After the party, we went to some of our favorite places to look at lights.  One of them being, Christmas Mountain. 
 Making ornaments for the grandparents.
Cookies for Santa and Elfie.

We spent Christmas Eve at house.

Listening to grandma read, Twas the Night Before Christmas.

All bundled up and ready to look for Santa...
Just a little reindeer food to make sure our house doesn't get overlooked by Santa.
 Merry Christmas!

 On Christmas night, we visit a house close by my parents that has over 1,000 Christmas village houses displayed in the front yard.  It is really fun to look at. 

 Cherry Lane and Temple lights with our friends.