Sunday, March 2, 2014


It is so fun to watch both Kayla and Kyler doing what they enjoy. We love to watch Kayla and her team up on stage because we see all of the hard work that they put into getting ready for their competitions and the final result always makes us proud. 
This is the lyrical piece, Fly, that they competed last weekend.  Kayla comes out from the left of the stage. 
Hip-hop number, Despicable.  Kayla is the purple minion on the far right. 
Jazz number, Dance With Me.  Kayla is on the far left.
Musical Theatre number, Never Fully Dressed.  Kayla will run out from the right.

Kyler had his last tball game on Saturday.  He loves tball and looks forward to playing every week.  He was especially excited for the last game because they were going to be passing out the trophies.
 Out on the field with his buddies, Nate and Emmy.

 Tunnel Time!
 I love how happy Kyler's face looks in this picture. 
 Great job, Kyler!

 Eric really enjoyed helping with Kyler's team.
 My kids are so lucky to have such supportive grandparents. 
 After party at Chuck E. Cheese.  Kyler couldn't stop sucking down his Sprite long enough to smile for the camera.  : )