Sunday, February 23, 2014

It Has Begun!

 Kayla's competition season started last weekend at 24/7 in Glendale.  Kayla and her team did such a great job and we were all so proud!  What was supposed to be a fun-filled weekend of classes was cut short when Kayla got sick after competing Friday night. : (  We went home and rested but sure did miss our friends that were still at the convention classes.

Kayla's musical theatre number, Never Fully Dressed.
Rita, Lily and Ava came to cheer Kayla on. 
 This past weekend, Kayla and her team competed at Showstoppers.  Kayla competed in 4 dances and they all did great!  I was only able to get Kayla in 2 of her costumes because there was frantic costume changing between numbers and I couldn't get a picture. 
 Kayla and her purple minion friends ready to compete their hip-hop number, Despicable.
 Ready for awards.
Kayla had quite the cheering section. I forgot to grab a picture of Grandma Jean and Grandpa Ed, as well as Grandma Nette and Tim.  Next time.  : (

Lunch at Pita Jungle.  Who's that big kid at the end of the table?? 
Fun group of mommas!