Wednesday, November 27, 2013


On the day of Kayla's birthday, we woke up to snow!  It was freezing the night before and started to snow a little but we had no idea how much it had snowed overnight.  The kids were so excited to put their boots on to go play in the snow.   

The sweet birthday girl.
My family must have some hidden aggression towards each other because we never waste anytime when an opportunity arises to throw things at each other.  Grandma Jean caught just before throwing a snowball at her sweet grandson.  Busted.  
 This is a great action shot of just about everyone getting pelted with a snowball.
I love Kayla's reaction to the key chain that Kyler picked out for her.
So sweet.  It happens occasionally.
And yet again, we find things to throw.  This time we are throwing tissue paper from Kayla's presents.
No mercy for the birthday girl.
While we were out to breakfast, it started to snow so the kids of course wanted to go outside to catch the snowflakes.
 It was really snowing on the way home so we decided to pull over so the kids could play and we could grab some pictures.