Sunday, September 15, 2013

Busy Birthday Month

Last month was quite the busy birthday month!  
We helped celebrate Rita's birthday at my kids new favorite restaurant, Osaka.  We always have so much fun when we go there.
 Rita and the creepy birthday head.
 Crazy cute kiddos!  
 Celebrating my dad's birthday.

 Rita and I took cupcakes into our friend, Stacy's class to help celebrate her birthday.  Kyler was so excited to come along and Kayla was excited to get pulled out of class for a bit to enjoy a cupcake with us.  

 I had such a good birthday (week).  Lol!  : )  I had many fun celebrations with friends and family throughout the week.  On my actual birthday, we went over to Rita's house to swim and have pizza before we had to head off to dance.  
 Celebrating with family over at my parent's house. 

On Labor Day weekend, we went over to the Saba Family's house for some swimming fun.  We also celebrated all of the August birthday's.