Monday, January 28, 2013

Busy Bees

Just a few pictures of things we have been up to lately...

Kayla lost her 2nd tooth! 
 The kids wanted me to take this picture after they ran laps around the park.  Lol!
 Kayla's project for the 100th day of school.  
 Way to go Kayla!  : )
Playing with friends at the park.
 Out to eat with the May Family.  The kids were entertaining the whole patio.  
 This cracked me up!  Kayla came home with this worksheet from school where the kids had to draw a picture to match the emotion.  When I asked her to explain this one to me (even though I already had a good idea of what it was about) she told me that this is a picture of how she feels when I do her hair for dance.  Haha!  Believe me, the feeling is mutual!!
 Kyler completed his reading log for preschool.  He was so excited!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Kyler's First Soccer Game

On Saturday Kyler played in his first soccer game as apart of team, T-Rex.  He was so excited to play but just like his first practice, he ended up crying most of the time. :(  We think the concept of taking the ball away from other kids is contradicting to us constantly telling him to share.  The second practice went 100% better than the first practice so we are hoping the same will be true for the games.  We will see...

All ready for the game!
 Practicing before the game with Daddy and Nate.
 T-Rex team huddle.  Love his little jersey!!
 The fans all bundled up since it was so cold out!!
 Taking a break with Kayla.  It was so cute to hear her cheering for her brother, she was very proud!
 Kyler with Grandpa Doug
 Kyler and his buddy Nate
 After Kyler's game we went over to watch the end of Emmy's game.  Crazy kids!

Winter Showcase

On Friday night Kayla danced in the Winter Showcase, "One Night Only". There were so many extra practices to get these girls ready for the showcase and they all paid off, the girls did GREAT and we were so proud of Kayla!    

This was Kayla's first time dancing as apart of the Company team.  Looking adorable for the, "Leader of the Pack" dance.
 Kayla danced in two dances as apart of the Dynamite Express team.  Posing in her costume for the, "Disco" dance.
 After performing with the Mini-Knockouts in, "Aint Nothing but a Kiss".
 Our little star!  

Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Soccer Practice

Kyler had his first soccer practice this morning and it did not go exactly how I thought it would.  He has been so excited about playing soccer and we thought he would be all over practicing this morning with his team.  He was fine when it was just him and his friend Nate kicking around the ball but when the other parents and kids showed up, he got a little overwhelmed.  He cried a lot and wanted either Eric or I by his side while he was doing drills but that was ok, we know he will come around.  We will see how next week goes at his first game.  GO T-REX!

Warming up with his buddy Nate.
 My sad little boy 
 Kyler didn't really want to join the huddle.  Lol!  The team decided their team name is going to be, T-Rex.
 He did great kicking the ball around with daddy by his side.  

Happy 2013!

We celebrated New Year's Eve with our friends, the Harwood and Kopp families.  We had a great time hanging out, playing games and eating all of the yummy food that Aubrey made. The kids had so much fun playing together and actually lasted much longer than we thought they would.  Kayla and Kyler finally crashed around 11:15 so they were not awake to ring in the new year with us, which was surprising considering the amount of fireworks that were being let off outside!  We wish all of our friends and family a happy and healthy 2013!

 Me, Aubrey and Jessica
 Can't you just feel their energy???  

Smores bar.  Yum!!!
 Gobbling up their yummy dessert.

 Happy New Year!!!  

Winter Break Adventures

We really enjoyed Winter Break!  We had the perfect balance of down time, friend time and family time.  Here are just a few pictures of the fun things that we did over the break.  You can thank me for not including any of those pictures that were taken during days when we spent most of our time lounging around the house in our jammies.  You're welcome.  

Emmy and Kayla had a tea party for their American Girl dolls.  Kyler and Nate checking out if there were any good snacks at this party.
 Alice and Emily enjoying their tea and snacks.  Emmy made the cutest little cupcakes in her Easy Bake Oven.
 After the tea party we headed to the park for a picnic.
Game night at Pat's house.

The kids had fun running amuck in the other room while the adults played games.

My friend Rita and I hiked and made it to the top of Silly Mountain.

Kayla wanted to do some of the interviews in her new "My Mom and Me" book at Starbucks. It ended up being a perfect night to be at Starbucks.  We sat in the corner by the window, watched the rain and drank hot chocolate and planned some special "girl" activities.
Watching Monsters Inc in 3D with the May Family.  Such a cute movie!

 Back at Starbucks.  : ) Before heading to the bookstore, we had hot chocolate and a treat.  Love that my kids enjoy going to Starbucks as much I do!!  
The kids and I met up with Grandma Jean and Grandpa Ed at the Riparian Preserve.

 The kids had fun releasing their incredible amount of energy while riding their scooters.
 After our hike around the preserve.  
 Our New Years Day hike at Usery Pass up to the Wind Cave.

 We made it!!  
 Enjoying the view with my little buddy.
 Game night.  An intense game of Phase 10 took place.  The pressure was too much for Darren.  Haha!
Park play date with Kaelin and Ava.  This picture was purposely taken in front of this tractor that they pretended was their home.  
 Enjoying the gorgeous weather with our friends Ava and Lily at the park. 
Silly girls-1.  Their friend Abigail was not feeling good and could not join us.  : (
 Trip to the Phoenix Zoo.