Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kyler's First Day of Preschool

Kyler joined my new 3 year-old class and had a great first day! I was a little nervous about how he would do considering I was him mom and we were in our house but he did great! He was such a good listener and had so much fun with his new little buddy. I absolutely love having my own kiddos in class with me. It is so fun for me to see them in a "school" setting and how they interact with others. I have so many memories from when Kayla was in school with me that I'm glad I will be able to have that time with Kyler as well.

Since we made such a fuss over Kayla starting Kindergarten, it was only fair that we did some special things to recognize Kyler's first day of school as well. He was so excited to start school, just like his sissy. Lately, when we would talk about Kayla's school, he would mention his school, too. It was cute! So, grandma made a special school box for Kyler with some goodies inside. We also read, "The Night Before Preschool". I realized about 10:00 the night before that I did not make a banner for Kyler, and even though he would have no clue if I made one for him or not and Eric thought I was crazy, I just felt guilty (and mom guilt is the worst). So, I threw a "banner" together and hung it up outside of his room for him to see in the morning- which he walked right past when he woke up. Lol! Oh, well.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

1st Day of Kindergarten

Well, despite how badly I wanted to put today off, Kayla's 1st day of Kindergarten was here. Kayla was so excited for school today which made the whole process so much easier. We got pumped up for her 1st day last night when we read, "The Night Before Kindergarten". I even got teary just reading parts of the book-get it together mommy! While Kayla was sleeping, we decorated her bathroom and hung up a special banner for her to see in the morning. When we went to go wake her up this morning (so very early), she jumped out of bed and said, "Today I go to Kindergarten!". She was happy the entire morning. We met grandma and grandpa at the school so they could see Kayla and take some pictures. We also made a point to meet with Lexi and her family to take pictures as well. It was so sweet to see our little girls all excited and getting ready to start school (tear). We always thought it would be so cute if they went to the same school and, even though they are not in the same class, it will be fun to experience these special times together. After taking a few pictures we headed off to the playground so Kayla could play for a few minutes before the bell rang. It was nice to see her run off and start playing like such a big girl. When it was time to line up, it really hit me and I started getting very sad. Today was a bittersweet day. So proud and excited for Kayla but, yet, sad. Kayla gave us good-bye hugs and kisses and she was off to start her day. Needless to say, I was wondering how Kayla's day was going throughout the morning. What were they doing? I decided that it wouldn't be too crazy if I drove by the school, after I taught preschool, to see if just maybe they were outside and I could see her. No such luck. No one was on the playground. Come to find out, when I called Alaina to see how she was doing, she had already been by the school herself. Lol! Crazy mommies! We were so anxious to pick Kayla up from school and hear all about her day. She looked a little tired when we picked her up but that did not last long. She talked and talked and told stories and more stories about her day. In a nutshell, she loved it! When she came home we took her up to her room so she could see her special surprise. Kayla got her very own desk to do homework at and a new game for her Leapster. She was very excited and wanted to start doing "work" right away. Lol. We wrapped up the day by having my family and Eric's mom over for dinner so Kayla could tell the family all about her day. Overall, I would say today was an emotional and busy, yet great day!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Kayla's Meet the Teacher Night

We went and met Kayla's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Kurth, tonight. Mrs. Kurth seems really nice, full of energy, her classroom looks adorable and is very organized (not like I was dissecting it with my teacher's eye or anything, lol). Kayla was sooooo excited for tonight and is counting down the days until she goes to school. We are thrilled that Kayla is so excited but from the mommy and daddy point of view we are just left wondering, where does time go and can't help but feeling a little (or a lot) sad. Oh boy, I'm going to be a wreck on Kayla's 1st day, after she leaves of course. We want nothing more than for Kayla to have a great 1st day!

Walking with Daddy up to the school.

Meeting Mrs. Kurth

Kayla and her teacher, Mrs. Kurth

We went to check out Lexi's classroom, which is right down the hall.

Lexi took Kayla on a tour of her classroom.

Proud mommy and daddy!

Beautiful girls all ready for Kindergarten!