Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kayla's Last Day of School

Kayla completed her last year of preschool/Pre-K in May at the Montessori. Kayla has learned so much these past few years and is so ready for Kindergarten but I have to admit, the thought of her going to school all day next year gives me knots in my stomach. Why can't she stay little and stay at home with me?? Well, despite what I want, she is ready and will do GREAT!

Kayla on her 1st day of preschool in August 2008.

Kayla and Kyler with Ms. Pat. Kyler became very fond of Ms. Pat and would always run in and give her a big hug every time we picked Kayla up from school. The last day of school was Crazy Hat day so of course Kyler had to get in on the fun!

Kayla on her last day of Pre-K in May 2011. Kindergarten, here I come!!

Kayla's Girl Scout End of the Year Party

Kayla really enjoyed her first year as a Daisy Girl Scout. Her leaders were great and planned a fun end of the year party at Girly Girlz. The girls got to pick out how they wanted their hair done (which Kayla wanted, "cowgirl"-go figure), they got their nails done and then got to strut their stuff on a model walk through the store and then down to Paradise Bakery for a cookie. Kayla had such a fun time in Girl Scouts and we look forward to next year.

Troop 2223 Fiesta Night

After the girls left the end of the year party at Girly Girlz, we headed over to the Bridging Ceremony. Some of the girls going into 2nd grade were bridging over from Daisy's to Brownie's. Even though Kayla was not bridging, she still was a part of the ceremony. Kayla received a gold star for attendance and several of the patches that she earned throughout the year. Again, her amazing leaders out did themselves and cooked an amazing Mexican fiesta for the families. Yum!

Daddy-Daughter Night

Eric took Kyler to a Diamondbacks game a while back so he decided that he needed to have some fun one on one time with Kayla at a game, too. They got the nose bleed seats but still had fun spending some time together.

Kayla's 1st Slumber Party

Kayla's Girl Scout leaders thought it would be fun to still get the girls together even though the official year is over, so they have planned a variety of fun events throughout the summer. The first event that was planned was a slumber party at her leader, Candy's house. The evening plans were: eating pizza, watching the Justin Beiber movie and eating popcorn. Kayla was so excited to spend the night at Candy's house with all of her friends.

Summer Movie Fun

As a way to stay out of the heat, and do something fun indoors, we decided to take advantage of the awesome Harkins summer movie deal and head to the movies every Monday with our friends, Christi, Joslyn, and Carson.

Phoenix Children's Museum

As a way to beat the heat, we took the kids to the Phoenix Children's Museum. They have a really cool and humongous "tree house" for the kids (and adults) to climb around and explore. We could have spent most of the day just in the tree house!

Vacation Bible School

Kayla attended VBS at our church the first week in June. She had a really good time and even got to see Grandma Jean every night since she worked at the snack rotation. After the kids had their opening ceremony of dancing and singing (which Kyler always participated), the kids would break up into their groups and start their rotations. Well, some how Kyler worked his way into a little group of boys and was all ready to go with them. Luckily, the leaders of that group allowed Kyler to come along to story time and were great about including him in that rotation. He loved it!

Espee Splash Pad

The first splash pad of the summer with our friends, Emmy, Nate and Stephanie.

Swim Date

We met our friends, Trevor, Justin, Josh and Jodi and their neighborhood pool and had a great time swimming and visiting. It was the first time that Kayla and Kyler had been in the pool since last summer so they were not too thrilled with the cold water, wearing floaties, etc., but we still managed to have a good time!

Dress Rehearsal

We were able to take pictures at the dress rehearsal for Kayla's dance recital. Kayla really enjoys dancing and did such a great job!

Dancing to, "Cat in the Hat".

The girls were supposed to make a "grumpy" face, can you tell that Kayla has had some practice with this look?

Dancing to, "Cha Cha Heels".

Dance Recital

Kayla danced in two dances this year, "Cha Cha Heels" and "Cat in the Hat". They were both tap routines and she did a great job! We have so much fun watching Kayla do what she loves; dance. Kayla's good friends, Lexi and Emmy, and of course their mommies, stayed to watch Kayla's performance, too.

Not only did Kayla perform and do a great job but Eric participated in the Daddy Dance again this year. I think he secretly likes to dance because he really knows how to shake it! Kayla sure had fun dancing on stage with her daddy, too cute!!