Sunday, April 17, 2011

Big Girl Bike

We had been talking about taking the training wheels off of Kayla's bike but were not quite sure if she was ready. However, the other day when she was out front riding her bike, the seat literally broke off; guess it's time to get a new bike. Much to our surprise, Kayla did not pick out a princess, Barbie, or Hello Kitty bike; it was some random pink and purple bike. Go figure. Needless to say, Kayla was beyond excited to try out her new big girl bike. Eric took Kayla to the park to practice in the grass before she attempted to ride in the street. She did really well and did not give up until she got the hang of it. Being the lame mommy that I am, I totally got tears in my eyes when they came home to show off her new big girl achievement. Way to go, Kayla!