Sunday, April 17, 2011

Big Girl Bike

We had been talking about taking the training wheels off of Kayla's bike but were not quite sure if she was ready. However, the other day when she was out front riding her bike, the seat literally broke off; guess it's time to get a new bike. Much to our surprise, Kayla did not pick out a princess, Barbie, or Hello Kitty bike; it was some random pink and purple bike. Go figure. Needless to say, Kayla was beyond excited to try out her new big girl bike. Eric took Kayla to the park to practice in the grass before she attempted to ride in the street. She did really well and did not give up until she got the hang of it. Being the lame mommy that I am, I totally got tears in my eyes when they came home to show off her new big girl achievement. Way to go, Kayla!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Girls and Boys Night Out

On Friday night the boys and girls hit the town for a night of fun. Kayla and I went to see the movie, Hop (it was okay) and then got some yummy frozen yogurt. It was fun to hang out with Kayla and just have some "girl time". The boys met my dad and brother for the Diamondbacks home opener. Kyler has never been to a game before so Eric was excited to take him along with the boys. Kyler ate two corn dogs, popcorn and danced his little heart out. One of the Diamondback girls (we don't know what they are officially called) loved Kyler and wanted to dance with him which Kyler had no objection. In fact, in one of the pictures, he is looking back at Eric with a big smile on his face. After dancing, he was sitting down next to the girl and every time music would play, Eric said they would start dancing. So bummed I missed it but Eric got some great pictures and video.

Spring Family Picnic

We were a little nervous that our church picnic was not going to happen this year due to the rainstorm that we had yesterday but thankfully, the weather cleared up and it was a perfect day. My mom works so hard every year planning the picnic and as usual, she did an amazing job. There were new inflatables this year that were a big hit and of course, the petting zoo was a favorite. Both Kayla and Kyler love the animals and spent a good amount of time in the petting zoo. There were two one day old piggies there that Kayla and Kyler got to pet while they were being fed, it was very cute! We had a great day and the kids were wiped out by the end of the day-added bonus!

Kayla and Kyler's friends, Joslyn and Carson

Kyler's little girlfriend from the nursery

Kayla's friend from Sunday School, Sara

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I have found myself asking, "Why?" a lot lately. It started with Kyler throwing my phone because he was mad that I would not give him a PopTart, getting out all of the grocery bags and throwing them all over the kitchen and pulling open all of the kitchen drawers while I was getting ready. Seriously, why? You would think these kids do not have any TOYS to play with. But then, one morning when we were getting out crayons and coloring books, Kyler decided that he needed to share with Daisy. Cuteness wins...again!

Trike A Thon

Kayla's school took part in raising money for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital by having a Trike A Thon. The kids got to bring their bikes to school and practice all of their bike safety rules they have been learning at school. Kayla had so much fun and was one of the last kids riding around and around. One of Kayla's teachers even let Kyler in on the fun by taking him out for a spin. I managed to sneak in a few pictures of Kayla's crush, Jake. Jake did not have training wheels on his bike and Kayla was so impressed. I think it might be time to take off the training wheels...

A Day in the Life of Kyler's Helmet

We bought Kayla a new helmet for her Trike a Thon at school and ever since then, Kyler has wanted to wear his helmet, too. As you can tell from the pictures, Kyler has the same size helmet as Kayla because his noggin is so big. Lol! On the day of Kayla's Trike a Thon, Kyler decided he did not want to take off his helmet. Kayla jumped on the helmet wearing bandwagon pretty soon after Kyler. Let the adventures begin...

Watching cartoons...

Watching Kayla ride her bike...

In the car with his helmet on backwards...

And, eating lunch

Roller Skating

Kayla gave roller skating a try and did pretty good. The skates are adjustable so right now all she really does is walk in them, the wheels don't roll. She had fun and felt like such a big girl. Once we get some knee and elbow pads we will actually let her give rolling a try.