Monday, July 5, 2010


On Father's Day, Snoopy, our beagle that Eric and I got the day after we got married ten years ago, died. We noticed early in the week that she had stopped eating and drinking and she was throwing up more than usual. At first, we thought maybe she ate something bad (since she had a habit of getting into the garbage) and just had a tummy ache. Well, this continued for a few more days and then we started getting concerned. We tried offering her all kinds of different soft foods that we thought she might be interested in but she wanted nothing to do with any food or water. Kayla was so sweet and worried about Snoopy. She was always getting food and bringing it to Snoopy, surrounding Snoopy with her "stuffies" and wanted to make sure that the water was always by her. She took very good care of Snoopy and asked every morning if Snoopy was better. Nothing seemed to help and things only seemed to be getting worse so, Eric and Kayla took Snoopy to the vet on Saturday and it was determined that she had kidney failure. We decided to try the iv bags of fluid that were supposed to flush the toxins out of her body and hopefully give her some energy to eat and drink once those toxins were gone. Snoopy got one treatment on Saturday before she died Sunday morning. We were very surprised and very sad that all of this happened so quickly and Snoopy was gone. As much as Snoopy was a pain in the butt we loved her so much as a part of our family and we will miss her.