Sunday, July 25, 2010

Arizona Museum for Youth

We visited the Arizona Museum for Youth with my friend Jodi and her kids. The museum has activities that entertain both Kayla and Kyler which is nice. The kids had a blast playing together!

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Kayla's BFF, Lexi, spent the night on Friday. As soon as Lexi stepped foot in the door the girls ran off to Kayla's room and as no big surprise, they were changing into dress up clothes. The girls had so much fun dressing up, playing princesses, "writing notes" and reading books together. I had so much fun watching these two together, they make me laugh! They stayed up until 10:45 talking about all kinds of random silly things. I could hear them talking but not clearly enough to understand what they were saying but I would occasionally hear giggles or a burst of laughter. It was too cute!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Splash Pad

After Eric and Kayla's bus ride, we went to the Splash Pad at Tempe Beach Park. As you can imagine the pad was full of kids trying to stay cool in the HOT weather.

Game Night

On Friday night we went to our church for game night. We taught Kayla how to play, "Go Fish" and she made up her own rules to the game, "Aggravation". Kyler had fun playing with the toys that we brought for him and of course eating the snacks!

Peter Piper Pizza

We met my friends, Jodi, Kim and Courtney and their kids at Peter Piper Pizza for another indoor activity. We got a table right by the kids area so we could sit back and watch the kids run around and play. Kim's daughters, Lauren and Madelyn, are great helpers and love to take care of Kayla and Kyler which made the day even more relaxing for me. Kayla has known most of these kids since she was a baby so it is fun to watch them run around and have fun together!

Bounce U

Last week we went to Bounce U with my friend Jen and her son Parker. Kayla and Parker had so much fun bouncing around and Kyler had fun playing with the cars and balloons. Since the weather is so hot out, it was a fun way to spend the day!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

There are two ways to have a bottle party...

Yes, I FINALLY caved in and gave Kyler his last bottle. It is always so hard for me to do this because then it feels like the baby stage is over, it goes by too fast! Kyler really started weaning himself off of the bottle, he has been wanting the bottle less and less so we knew he was ready. We hid the bottles and told Kyler that he was a big boy and did not need his bottles anymore. When he found the bottles he put them in the trash and we all clapped. Now, we will see how tomorrow goes...

Way 1: Kyler's Bottle Party

Way #2: Grandma's Bottle Party

I personally like Grandma's Way! LOL! Grandma is such a good sport! My mom got these beer charms and we put one that said, "Beer Snob" on grandma's wine cooler and told her to drink while we took pictures of her. What a mean family we are... : )

The Gang

On Friday, we met up with some of my friends and their kids and went swimming in the neighborhood pool. Kayla went to preschool with one and knows all of the other's from her old babysitter, Sue's house. The kids love to see each other and had so much fun swimming and playing together. After swimming, we headed up to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. When we walked in the door the place was jam packed with people dressed like cows. Yes, cows. I guess it was Cow Appreciation Day and if you dressed like a cow you got your entree for free. Well, we were not dressed like cows so surprisingly, WE were the ones that stood out in the crowd. However, the cashiers gave us cow headbands that we wore while we ordered our food and then we gave them to the kiddos to wear. Except, Kayla wanted nothing to do with looking like a cow. Kyler on the other hand is obsessed with the Chick-Fil-A cow and immediately started mooing and reaching out for the cow when he saw him walk in. We had a blast!

4th of July

On the 4th of July we headed over to my parent's for swimming and grilling. We ended the night by going to see fireworks. Kyler was beyond tired and wanted nothing to do with sitting still so he was a little fussy but would stop whining long enough to watch a few fireworks and then start up the whining again. Kayla of course loved the fireworks and said that she wishes they were louder. haha!

Father's Day

Well, needless to say, Father's Day wasn't exactly a happy day for us. We had a fun day of swimming and hanging out planned but Eric and I did not get over to my parents house until 6 that night. We made the best of the daddy and celebrated the great dad's in our lives!