Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Over the weekend, we went camping at Sharp Creek with my family. Despite Kayla's girly-girl nature, she also loves the great outdoors! I was a little worried about Kyler and how he would sleep all night in the pack-n-play but he slept through the night without a peep. We also went to Woods Canyon Lake and rented a boat. The lake was gorgeous and it was very relaxing, especially when we dropped the kids off on shore to hangout with grandma. I must explain the first picture. My mom and I unloaded the cars while the men attempted to put up the tents. Basically, we got done our job before they did so we decided to crack open a beer and watch them "work". The classic story from the trip comes courtesy of Kayla, of course. So, Friday night my mom is getting everything out to make Smores and stopped for a minute to talk to my dad. She then realized that Kayla was over by the table and was a little too quiet. When she went over there she noticed that the marshmallows that she had set out, were gone. My dad asked Kayla where the marshmallows went and she said, " I think grandma ate them.". What a little stinker! We had such a great time camping but I think that we were all anxious to leave so we could get home and take a shower!!!