Sunday, June 7, 2009

Kyler's World

In Kyler's World, Day=Night and Night=Day. STILL! He is sleeping a little longer at night and not crying in between feedings (usually) so Eric and I can (usually) count on 4 hours of sleep in between feedings. I'm really working on trying to keep him awake for part of the day and slowly get him on somewhat of a sleeping schedule. Weighing in at almost 13 pounds, he is ready to sleep through the is the rest of the house! With the frustration of the sleeping schedule aside, Kyler is such a sweetie! He smiles all of time (especially at mommy!) and is "talking" a lot. He is not too crazy about laying on his back swatting at hanging toys; he likes to be upright looking around. We have also found out that he loves to be outside, especially when it is windy.