Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Picnic

Sunday we took the kids to church for the Spring Picnic. Lexi and Rob joined us and the girls had blast jumping and jumping and jumping in the bouncy. The girls also enjoyed eating snow cones but mommy's don't enjoy watching them spill the snow cone juice all down the front of their clothes but on a hot day, who can resist a snow cone?

Easter Egg Hunt Take Three

Even though Easter is over and Kayla has had 2 other egg hunts, we could not cancel a 20+ year family tradition. Growing up, my grandparents had an Easter egg hunt every year for all of the grandkids and it was always so much fun! This was a tradition that I wanted to continue with Kayla and now Kyler. It is fun watching the kids look for eggs and just spending time with family. This year we invited the Blawat family to join us and we had a great day!


Kayla had been learning about bike safety at preschool for a week and at the end of the week, the kids had a Trike-A-Thon to practice all of their safety rules. The Trike-A-Thon was a fundraising event for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. The kids received donations and brought their bike and safety gear to school with them on Thursday. Kyler and I went to cheer Kayla on and take some pictures. It was so cute to see all of the kiddos with their helmets on riding around the parking lot on their bikes. The kids rode around for about 30 minutes and then most of the kids got off of their bike to rest, so the teacher took the kids who were done to the playground. One by one the kids who were still riding their bike stopped so they could go on the playground as well. There was just one little girl who was still going strong riding around and around the parking lot without a care in the world that she was the only one still riding her guessed it, Kayla!

Kyler at 4 weeks

We can not believe that Kyler is already 4 weeks old! Kyler is starting to sleep more at night, thank goodness! He will typically sleep for 4 hours at a time, which isn't great but it sure beats getting up every 2 1/2 to 3 hours! He sleeps a lot during the day but when he is awake he is so much more alert and can focus on our faces when we talk to him. Kayla loves to help take care of him and plays "mommy" now more than ever. We find babies in the most random places around the house with blankets on them, babies in strollers, and in Kyler's swing. It is very cute! I have heard people say for the past three years how much Kayla looks like Eric, well, I'm excited to hear people now say that Kyler looks like me. Eric isn't too sure that it is good that the girl looks like her dad and the boy looks like his mom but isn't that how it usally works??

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

Easter turned out to be a nice day- no rain! Kayla remembered that the Easter bunny might have left an Easter basket on the counter in the morning and flew out of bed as soon as we woke her up. She was very excited that the Easter bunny came and could not wait to eat her treats (just like mommy- who actually had already snuck a few). Kayla and mommy went to church with Grandma Jean, Grandpa Ed, Uncle Darren and Great-Grandma Doris, while daddy and Kyler waited for us at grandma and grandpa's house. We had a fun and relaxing day, playing at the park, blowing bubbles, hanging out and eating -lots and lots of eating. We had a very nice day celebrating Kyler's (also known as "Little Nugget" as Kayla likes to call him) first holiday with the family.

Rainy Day Easter Egg Hunt

We took Kayla and Kyler to an Easter Egg Hunt at our church on Saturday. Kayla and Lexi had a great time making Easter crafts, dying Easter eggs, searching for them (indoors since it was raining) and of course eating treats. While the girls had fun with all of the Easter festivities, Kyler and Hailey did what they do best (during the day) and slept the whole time.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Coloring Easter Eggs

Yes, even divas color Easter eggs. Kayla loves to pose for the camera. She puts her hands on the hips and either gives us a big cheesy smile or gives us the "supermodel" pose. It cracks us up!!

Kyler at 2 weeks

The past two weeks have sure been eventful. Kyler has his days and nights mixed up which makes for long nights for Eric and I. He loves to grunt and squirm from about 11:00 to 2:30ish. We are trying to figure out what works best to calm him down so we can get some sleep. We will get it figured out one of these days...Kayla still loves him to death but we have to keep a close eye on her while she continues to learn how to love him gently. We are starting to notice a little bit more of an attitude from her but we know that this is normal and will pass. I'm looking forward to the day that Kyler and I can venture outdoors, I go a little stir crazy staying at home all day. The doctor said to give it a couple of more weeks before we go out in public. So, in the meantime Eric and I take turns getting out of the house with Kayla while one of us stays at home with Kyler.