Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Schnepf Farms

Sunday we had a fun day with the May Family at Schnepf Farms.   

 The kids loved the roller coaster and wanted to go on it again and again.  
 I passed on the swings.  Yuck.  

Two thumbs up from Nate.  : )

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

We visited our first pumpkin patch of the season yesterday with my parents and the Saba Family.  The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast acting crazy!  We then went to dinner and then off to get dessert, we like to eat.  Fun-filled day with great friends and family!  
Pumpkin patch cuties

 Decorating the pumpkins that they picked out.

 Getting ready to take off on a wild hayride. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kohls Ranch

We spent a very pretty and relaxing four days at one of our family's favorite places, Kohls Ranch.  We go up to Kohls Ranch every year and always have such a good time.  It is so nice to relax and just spend time together.  
Our cuties at the creek.

 Having fun with Uncle Darren
 Grown men fighting over a Frisbee.
 Lots of snuggle time with Devin.  

 Games on the patio with Grandma Jean.
 The kids had a lot of fun playing horseshoes.  My dad and I also played horseshoes but it was not very camera worthy.
 Halloween S'mores by the fire.

 This is what happens after your kids are pumped full of sugar.  

The front office provided a Scavenger Hunt list for the kids.  

 The kids got to go on a pony ride and of course, Kyler now wants a horse.  

 Look how much FUN my mom and dad are having decorating pumpkins.  
The final results displayed on the patio.
We enjoyed many of our meals outside. Soaking in the atmosphere and cool weather.

 Kyler wanted to teach Grandma Jean how to cross the creek at his favorite spot, the "waterfall".

 Running around in the falling leaves.
 Before we headed home, we stopped at Woods Canyon Lake for a boat ride.