Saturday, August 10, 2013

First Day of School

Both of the kids had a great first day of school!  It is always sad when summer ends but it helps that Kayla and Kyler were both so excited for school to start.  Can't believe how fast they are growing up!!  : (  

Kayla's first day of 2nd grade
 Kayla, Ava and Lily
 Kayla's buddies since Kindergarten, Ava and Abigail.  
 Kayla was thrilled to find out that her friend, Sylex is in her class again.

 Even though Kayla is in 2nd grade, I always get sad when they line up and start to walk away.
 Kyler's first day of Pre-K
 Kyler and his Pre-K buddies
 My little guy hard at work
 Kyler and Nate
 We are ready for another great school year!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

So Long Summer

We had a great summer and I'm sad to see it come to an end!  

Tempe Beach Park splash pad with Parker.

 Kyler's friend Hailey came over for a fun play date.
 Kayla and her first grade teacher, Ms.VanderPol emailed each other over the summer to keep in touch.  : )
 Fun girls day at Eli's house.
 My crazy kids dressed themselves for the Farmer's Market.  
 Fun play date with Ava and Lily

 Lunch at one of the craziest places on the planet, Chick Fil A.  That place is nutso during the summer.  
We went to dinner with the Saba Family at Osaka to celebrate Lily's 10th birthday.  We had so much fun!  My kids LOVED that place.
 Eating with chopsticks for the first time.  
 The kids got iced tea squirted in their mouths since they couldn't have the sake that the dads did.  Kyler thought this was the funniest thing ever.  
 Kayla wearing Lily's birthday head.  
 Fun day at Big Surf with Ava and Lily.  I had not been to Big Surf in years and we had so much fun.  There were so many slides for the kids to do by themselves.  They loved it!

 Nate came to spend the day with us while Stephanie took Emmy back to school shopping.  The kids had fun solving mysteries around the house.  

 Dressing up as Sleeping Beauty and Prince Phillip.  So cute!
 The volleyball team that I play on every summer won first place in our tournament!  We had a lot of fun every Monday night!  

Meet the Teacher

Kayla has been so excited for school to start and last night we finally got to meet her teacher.  Kayla was so excited to get Mrs. Hughes for her 2nd grade teacher.  Mrs. Hughes is super sweet and we can tell Kayla is going to have another great year in school!
Kayla and Mrs. Hughes
 Kayla has been emailing with Ms.VanderPol over the summer and could not wait to go and visit her.  When we stopped in to say hi, some of Kayla's friends from last year were also there to visit.  
 After Meet the Teacher treat with Ava and Lily.  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

California Getaway

This past weekend, we took a quick but fun trip to California.  It was so nice to get a break from the heat and have some fun as a family before school starts back up.

We started out our vacation at Mission Beach.  Kyler had never been to the ocean before so Eric and I were excited to see his reaction.  He loved the water and ran right in with Kayla.  
 The kids had so much fun running from the waves.  

 They LOVED getting buried in the sand.
 I think Kyler could have spent all day jumping in waves.  

The next day we headed to Legoland.  

 The kids were able to go on all of the rides and had so much fun!

 We spent a lot of time in the Pirate area.  Kyler was so excited to go on all of the pirate themed rides and loved seeing all of the pirates built out of  Legos.  

The huge pirate splash pad the kids had a blast playing in.
 We got soaking wet on this ride.  The kids wanted to go on it again but I opted to not go so I could take a picture. : )

 Sound asleep...

 We had pizza for dinner so the kids had to get their picture taken with the pizza man made out of Legos outside of the restaurant.

Before heading home, we stopped at Carlsbad beach for some more fun in water.