Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Little Cuties

Being silly at Rubio's.  Kayla said she is a grandma with no teeth in this picture.  Lol, ok....
 We went to watch Ava and Lily dance at the school carnival.  
 Kyler was so excited about his trophy he took it with him where ever we went throughout the next few days. Here he is with his trophy at breakfast.  
 Dress up like favorite book character day at preschool. : )
 Kayla and Eric before heading off to school for Donuts for Dads day.
 Since Kyler and I love doughnuts too, we decided we needed to take a trip to Dunkin Donuts and then go to the park for a fun morning.  Loving that chocolate doughnut!  
Kayla and her Girl Scout troop took a field trip to the fire station.

Kyler's Last Soccer Game

Kyler's soccer picture.  So cute!  
 Team picture.  Notice Kyler eying the cupcakes...Lol!!
 Kyler was SO excited to get his soccer trophy.  
 Great job, buddy!

 Kyler and Nate finally get to dig into those cupcakes!

The Life of a Little Dancer!

Kayla has had quite the busy month of dancing!  It has been busy but fun!  We know how much hard work goes into getting ready for these performances and it is fun to watch it all come together, they do such a great job!  
                    Kayla and some of her friends before their first dance competition, Showstoppers.

Kayla performing the Leader of the Pack dance with the Sugarbabes.

 Kayla and the Mini-Knockouts with their teacher, Ms. Tanya.
 Both dances that Kayla performed in won first place for their age division and also won first overall for both dances.  Not bad for their first competition!  

 Great job Kayla!!
After party with friends at Chick-fil-a.

Kayla did an ASU dance clinic that was held at her dance studio.  The girls went to the clinic on Friday, Saturday and then preformed on Sunday at the ASU women's basketball game.  The girls had so much fun at the clinic!  They got to make their ASU hair ties, make posters for the game, take pictures in ASU cheerleader uniforms and learned a cheer from the ASU cheerleaders.  
Kayla and Sarah
 The girls had so much fun holding up their posters and cheering for ASU.  It was so cute!!

Kayla's dance team the Dynamite Express danced at the pregame show for the Phoenix Suns.  We thought the girls might be nervous about dancing in such a large arena but nothing phases these girls, they did great!  

We stayed after the show to watch the game way up in our nose bleed section but had such a fun time!