Sunday, February 17, 2013


Yesterday we took a one day trip up to Utah to go sledding with the May Family.  The kids had never been on an airplane before and were so excited!!  We went to the Gorgoza Park in Park City, Utah and had so much fun!!  It was a busy day but the kids did great and had a blast playing and sledding in the snow!

Emmy, Kayla, Kyler and Nate watching the airplanes.
 So excited for take off!

 The kids eating the snow.  Nate REALLY liked eating the snow!  
The best thing about Gorgoza Park was the conveyor belt that took you up to the top of the hill. That's what I'm talking about!  No dragging the kids up and down the hills!
Here comes Emmy and Kayla down the smaller hill.
 There was a second contraption that you hooked your tube up to while it dragged you to the top of the biggest hill.  
 Here comes me and Kayla down the biggest hill.  It went so fast!
 Nate and Kyler
 There goes the May Family
 Getting ready to go down the giant hill as a family.
 Kayla and Kyler

 There was a cute little area for kids to play while the parents could chill.  
Kayla and Emmy on the carousel.  
 Nate and Kyler on the carousel.  

 The kids worked so hard on making this cute little snowman.

 Heading home after a fun filled day!!  

Sunday, February 10, 2013

American Girl Valentine's Day Party

Kayla got an American Girl doll party planning book over Christmas vacation and so we decided it would be fun to invite some friends that also had American Girl dolls over for a Valentine's Day party.  Kayla had so much fun planning the party for Alice (her American Girl doll) and her friends!  

Kayla and Alice
 Kayla's friends and their American Girl dolls ready to party!
 Making valentine place mats for their dolls.
 The girls made "cookies" and "cupcakes" for their dolls, too.
 The boys were upstairs having a "boy party" but we noticed them making their way down the stairs with their eyes on the treats!
 The dolls enjoying their "treats".
Yea!  The boys finally got to eat the treats they had been anxiously awaiting.
 Cute little girls!!
 And what kind of party would it be if there wasn't any dancing??
 The girls choreographed a cute little dance that they performed for us.