Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Adventures of Kyler and Mommy

Since the mornings are somewhat cooling down, I decided to take Kyler to the park one morning after dropping Kayla off at school. After playing at the park for awhile, we decided to head to Starbucks for drinks and "treats". The plan was to go home after we finished our drinks but while we were sitting on the patio, Kyler noticed the huge Halloween sign across the street in fr ont of Party City. Kyler loves looking at Halloween costumes and wanted to go over there to see them. After spending some time looking at the spooky masks we got ready to leave. As we were walking to our car, Kyler noticed several people with dogs walking into the store next to Party City and asked me where they were we ended up at PetSmart (or the free zoo as my friend calls it, lol). Kyler spotted the Halloween dog and cat toys right away and really wanted to get one. I explained many times that these toys were for animals but he insisted that they were for kids, too. I told him that we would go to Walmart and he could pick out a kid toy there. Well, what was supposed to be a quick trip to the park ended up being a spontaneous morning filled with just what Kyler wanted to do. We had a lot of fun!

      Enjoying a kids strawberry milk with a pumpkin muffin. Yum!


Kyler with one of the many dog toys that he wanted to buy.

Kyler with his kid toys. 

We couldn't resist this superhero cape and then we noticed there was even a cape and mask for his "sidekick". Love it!!

Friday, September 14, 2012


It is so fun to watch the kids learning new things and get so excited about their accomplishments. Recently Kyler has been asking to ride a big boy bike like Kayla does. I wasn't sure he was ready but Eric was excited to take off Kyler's training wheels and give it a try. To my surprise, Kyler picked up riding his bike with no training wheels right away. He rides all over our street (with daddy and daisy running along side of him) and can even stop on his own. He was so proud of himself and rides around with the biggest smile on his face! Love it!
Kayla has really taken off with her reading this year and is doing an amazing job in 1st grade. She started AR this year and so far has earned a 100% on all of the tests she has taken. She is so proud of herself for reading books at almost a 3rd grade level and then earning a 100% on her tests. We are just a little proud of her, too! : )

Every week at school a student is chosen to be the "Star Student" for the week and has to bring in a poster telling about themselves. This is the one we made for Kindergarten and just changed out the Kindergarten picture to Kayla on the first day of first grade. Lol!

First two AR test!

Go, Kyler!!

Great Play

Kyler is now old enough to enroll in the Introduction to Sport Skills class at Great Play. He is excited to be doing the class with his buddy, Nate!

Snow White

Last weekend my mom, Kayla and I met up with Alaina, Nancy and Lexi to see the play, Snow White. Of all the plays we have seen at the Hale Theatre, this one was the best. We had a fun time!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


We decided to take advantage of the extra day off and head up to Sedona to do some hiking. The weather was warm but down by the creek in the shade was nice. We are anxiously awaiting cooler weather so we can enjoy all the outdoor activities again.


On the days that we not in a hurry running off to dance, I try to find something fun to do with the kids. I found this recipe on Pinterest for Oobleck and thought I would try it out. It was super easy (very messy) and fun! The kids played with that stuff for the longest time.

Kayla wanted to invite the kids from next door to come over and help

Kyler did not bury himself in the stuff like Kayla did...

Hamming it up for the camera

1st birthday party

Over the weekend we celebrated Talea's first birthday. Her mom, Tatum, did an amazing job with the decorations! Anyone that knows me well, knows a love a party with a theme and the Minnie Mouse theme was adorable, so was the birthday girl!