Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Over the weekend, the kids were out front while Eric was working in the yard and decided that they wanted to run through the sprinklers (in their clothes). They discovered tiny frogs that were all over the front yard. Jackpot! They were occupied for well over an hour finding the frogs, making homes for them, and just watching them hop around. They were so sad when it was time to go inside because they thought the frogs were going to miss them. So funny!

Our Family Homework

Kyler had "homework" over the weekend that was to be completed with his family. The assignment was to decorate the construction paper with things that tell about his family. He loves the boat ride at Kohls Ranch, so we printed that picture out, he glued the letters of our last name on the paper, Eric, Kayla and I all wrote a word that described our family and then Kyler wanted to draw a picture of our family. I LOVE his picture of us! Kayla and I are the ones with the extremely long hair and Eric and Kyler are the ones with spiky hair. Lol! This will be a keeper!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Kyler's 1st Day of School

Kyler was so excited for another year in preschool, especially since he is in the "big boy preschool" now. I'm excited for a fun year with Kyler in my class!

This year we read one of my favorite books, The Kissing Hand the night before the kids first day of school.

Kayla's 1st Day of School

Unlike her mother, Kayla was so excited for the first day of school! Despite getting up much earlier than she was used to, she got out of bed and couldn't wait to go to school. We met up with Lexi before school for some pictures and the girls didn't seem to be nervous at all, they walked to playground, found where they needed to put their backpacks, gave us a hug and were off to play with their friends. We were so glad that Kayla was excited for the beginning of her new school year!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Meet the Teacher

Last night we met Kayla's 1st grade teacher, Ms. VanderPol. The classroom is super cute and Ms. VanderPol is very nice and seems excited for the school year to begin. Kayla really liked her and is so excited for school start.

Last night when we got to school to meet her new teacher the first thing Kayla wanted to do was go and visit Mrs. Kurth, her kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Kurth was so happy that Kayla stopped by to see her and Kayla was beyond thrilled to see her again! She really missed her!

There are a few kids from Kayla's class last year in her class this year but Kayla was so excited to find out one of her best buddies, Abigale is in her class.

Kayla and Ms. VanderPol

Ready for great year!!

Lexi's 6th Birthday

Lexi had her 6th birthday party of over the weekend. The theme of the party of luau and it was super cute! The kids all had so much fun swimming, going down the huge water slide and just running around and playing together. We had a great time!

All Good Things Must Come to an End

We have had a great summer and I cannot believe it is already over! Here are some pictures of some of the fun we have had these last few days of summer.

One night we had Lexi and Hailey over for a fun sleepover. We pretended that they were camping and had bbq hot dogs for dinner, smores for dessert and slept in sleeping bags inside the huge tent we set up in the loft. They had fun!

Smores, yum!

Play date with Lexi, Hailey, Emmy, Nate and our new friend, Ella at Mesquite Groves Aquatic Center. The kids love going there!

The last few days we have been hanging around the house a bit more and the kids have had so much fun playing together. We went to lunch one day (pretzels and cheese at San Tan, their favorite!)and when we came back they were sitting on the couch watching a show together all cozied up and I had to grab a picture while the moment lasted. Kyler is sure going to miss his favorite playmate once school starts back up. : (

They could play with the Scooby Doo haunted castle and Pet Shop tree house all day long!

We met up with some of Kayla's Girl Scout friends for dinner at Peter Piper Pizza.

Play date with some of Kayla's Girl Scout friends at Skyline Pool.