Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

I had a GREAT Mother's Day this year! My mom and I decided a few years back that since it's Mother's Day we did not want to do the planning, shopping, cooking or cleaning, so we volunteered the guys to take over.

Eric cleaned (downstairs, lol), planned the meal, shopped for the meal and then prepared everything. I did NOTHING! It was nice! : )

The kids for some reason have been soooo excited for Mother's Day this year and have been talking about it for over a week. Kyler slipped at least two times and told me what he got for me which really made Kayla mad but he was so excited to tell me-too cute!! Bright and early that morning, both of the kids came into our room and wanted to get dressed for Mother's Day. Kayla had picked out her "fancy" dress and Kyler picked out his "Hop" clothes (from the movie) and his "handsome" shoes (church shoes). They were so excited to get ready for everyone to come over, it was cute.

Kayla made the most adorable gifts for me at school. She wrote me a letter and made a book into the shape of purse that was all about me. It was too funny! Apparently, I don't know how to do her hair and I forget to do the laundry. Eric said that I don't really forget as much as I choose not to do the laundry. Lol!!! Eric also let the kids pick out gifts for me. Kyler chose a polka dotted coffee cup (big surprise) and Kayla chose a little stuffed bear holding a box that she put earrings and a bracelet in. I thought their choices were so sweet and what meant the most was just how excited and happy they were to give their mommy a present.

I had such a nice day spending time with a family that made the day so special for all of the mommies.

Reading the sweet letter Kayla wrote to me.

All About My Mommy...too funny!!

The little stuffed bear that Kayla picked out for me. Look how excited she is! I have a feeling that this little bear will end up in Kayla's room. : )

And here is the coffee cup I have been hearing about all week. Kyler was so excited to give me my present. I did not even get to open it, he decided to take over. haha!

Eric took the kids out last weekend , took their pictures and then had them printed out and put in this frame. They turned out soooo cute!

Aprons that we made for the grandma's. Kayla was beyond excited, can you tell?

Gift from the kids (with help from Grandma Jean). The book, " If I could keep you little". Must have for mommies with little ones! The kids personalized the book with stickers and drawings.

Get ready for the picture combinations. Every family event we have to get every possible combination of people. Lol!

After all of our pictures, Kayla decided that she needed to take pictures with her "babies" because she is a mommy, too.

Happy family! The mommy, daddy and their kids. Oh, they make me laugh!!!

Wildlife World Zoo

Over the weekend, Kayla's Girl Scout troop visited the Wildlife World Zoo as their end of the year party. It was hot but there was plenty of shade, Icees, and squirt bottles to keep them cool. The girls had so much fun together. After the zoo we headed back to her leader's house for a pizza party. Long but fun day!

Kayla's Girl Scout troop holding up three fingers for the Girl Scout promise.

We made these fun tie dyed shirts last week so they could all wear them to the zoo. They all turned out so cute and different.

Feeding the giraffes.

Looks like Kayla is giving me the bird. Lol!

School Carnival

On Friday night, we went to a carnival at Kayla's school. It started out pretty dang hot but as soon as the sun went down a bit it was nice. Kayla saw a lot of friends from her class and had fun going around to the different bouncers with them, she also saw her teacher there which she thought was so exciting!

The heat did not stop Kayla and her friends from bouncing away!

Kayla, Lexi and Kyler waiting to watch Kayla's friend, Ava, perform at the carnival. Kayla was soooo excited to watch her dance.

Surprisingly, Kyler wanted to get his hair sprayed.

Turned out pretty cool.

Kayla and Ava

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Kayla's Kindergarten Field Trip

Last Friday I went along with Kayla on her last Kindergarten field trip to the Phoenix Children's Museum. I'm so glad that I was able to go with Kayla. It was fun watching her have such a great time with her friends. Some of the moms in Kayla's class were talking about how nice it is that they all seem to get along so well and have so much fun playing together,wish they could all stay together next year. I just can't believe that her Kindergarten year is almost over. Time really does go by too fast!!

Goofy girl!

Making caterpillars with some of her friends from class

Time for some grocery shopping

Kayla's favorite-pizza!

Kayla was SO excited for the noodles!

Kayla and her good buddy, Hailey

Kayla and Hailey beating (loudly) on the drums

Lunch time!

Silly friends

Kayla's Kindergarten class