Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saguaro Lake Boat Ride

Today after church we met up with Grandpa Doug to take a boat ride out on Saguaro Lake. Believe it or not, in the shade with the breeze off of the lake it felt just perfect out and the scenery was so pretty. The kids were so excited to go on the boat ride and had so much fun! We had such a nice time, it is something will definitely do again.

After dropping off Grandpa Doug, we decided to stop by and visit my parents. When we got there Uncle Darren was in the pool so the kids wanted to dip their feet in. Dipping their feet in led to standing on the first step. Which led to standing on the next step, which eventually led to just swimming in their clothes. The kids were beside themselves with the thrill of swimming in their clothes. Oh the little joys!

Kayla is pretending to be Kyler's swim teacher and telling him to practice his bubbles.

Enjoying an ice cream treat from Sonic. What a day!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Pat's Run

This morning we got up bright and early and headed out to run 4.2 miles in Pat's Run. My parents brought the kids up to the stadium a little after we were done running so they could participate in the .42 mile kids run. Kayla and Kyler were so excited to run which really didn't last that long. Kayla did good but Kyler just wanted poor Eric to hold him the majority of the time. I did manage to snap some pictures of the brief time that they were all running. After the run we went over to Macayo's Depot Cantina to enjoy some much needed food and beverages! Fun but very tiring day!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Picnic

Yesterday my church held it's annual Spring Picnic and it was a lot of fun! The weather was so nice and there was a lot of fun things for the kids to do. We were glad that our friends, Lexi, Hailey and Rob were able to join us for such a nice day.

Kyler was BEYOND excited that there was a Scooby Doo bouncer

The kids were so excited to ride the ponies. Super cute!

There was a petting zoo for the kids that had tons of adorable little baby animals. There were bunnies, pigs, goats( that were born 4 days ago), ducks, chickens, and puppies. I think Kayla could have stayed in the petting zoo the whole time. She LOVES animals, especially the baby ones.

Silly girls

Snow cone time!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


A few weeks ago we met up with our friends, Lexi, Hailey and Emmy, their moms and even the grandma's came along to watch the play, Rapunzel. The girls all looked adorable in their Rapunzel gear and were so excited to see the play.

And, of course the part that mommy looks forward to, lunch at Oregano's. Yum!

Coloring Eggs

The kids always have fun coloring eggs and decided to get extra creative this year adding glitter glue and ribbon. They turned out cute!

Happy Easter

We a nice day celebrating Easter with family. We started off the day with church and then went over to my parent's house for a yummy Easter breakfast and Easter egg hunt for the kids. We then went with Grandpa Doug to the Diamondbacks game and had a great time!