Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Day Parade

Back at the beginning of November, Kayla's dance team went to Disneyland to tape their performance for the Christmas Day parade.  The parade aired Christmas Day and since we knew where Kayla was in the sea of blue girls dancing, we were able to see her several times!  It was so exciting to see Kayla on t.v.!  We had recorded the parade since we knew we would be opening presents during that time and meanwhile, a friend that was watching the parade sent me a text and said that Kyler, Eric, my parents and I were also shown during the parade.  The parade all came together great and it was such fun experience!!  

Photo shoot that was taken at Disney.

Not the best picture but you can see Kayla right in the center.

 Picture of when the camera scanned over the family.
Close up!  Kyler was so excited to see himself on t.v. 

A Very Merry Christmas

We had a great Christmas this year and feel blessed that we were able to spend the holidays with our friends and families.

Annual Christmas party at Aubrey's parent's house. 
Celebrating Christmas at Grandpa Doug's house with Matt and Brooke.

This year we were asked to light the advent candles at church for the family Christmas Eve service.  During the service, the children were asked to come on stage to help ring the bells while the congregation sang.  Kayla and Kyler both enjoyed ringing the bells!  Our families joined us for the service and then headed to our house for dinner.  We had a nice evening spending time with family and continuing our fun Christmas Eve traditions.
Our Christmas cuties!

Tracking Santa!
 He is getting close!  Time to go out and search for Santa and his reindeer...
Throwing out reindeer food in the yard.
Grandma Jean reading, "Twas the Night Before Christmas".
 Setting out cookies and milk for Santa. 
Christmas morning the kids gathered up their stuffies and ran downstairs to see if Santa made a stop at our house...
He did!
Merry Christmas!
After opening up presents at home, we went over to Grandma Jean and Grandpa Ed's house and what do you know, Santa came to their house, too!
My favorite gift that Kayla received.  Two books filled with fun activities and interviews especially for mommy and daddy.  We started working on our book as soon as we finished opening up presents.  Love it!

Christmas Lights

We finally had a couple of free nights when everyone was feeling good so we ventured out to our favorite spots to look at Christmas lights.  We had a lot of fun!

On Friday night, we met up with our friends, the Saba and Horlacher families to walk around at the Loop of Lights.  Ava, Lily and Nash did not want their picture taken with the characters that were outside one of the most decorated houses.  : )

On Saturday night, our family drove around to some of our favorite places to look at lights.  Our first stop was a house in our old neighborhood that even had Santa!
 A house near the Circle G neighborhood that we visit.  The kids love that you can walk around the yard to see all of the lights.
 Our favorite stop, Cherry Lane. 

 Time for hot cocoa at the Temple lights.

Christmas Carols

When we were younger, my cousins and Darren and I would sing Christmas carols to our families on Christmas Eve.  This year, my cousin had the great idea of gathering up the cousins that were available and go over to our grandma Doris' house to sing Christmas carols to her like we used to do.  We had so much fun singing and visiting, grandma Doris seemed to enjoy it!

Back in the day.  That is me posing as Mary in the play we put on for our families on Christmas Eve.
 Another back in the day picture...
Grandma even sang along with us at times. 
The kids decorating Grandma Doris' Christmas tree.

Dawson's 2nd Birthday

We celebrated Dawson's 2nd birthday at the park over the weekend.  Kayla and Kyler love Baby Dawson and were so excited for his Mikey Mouse birthday party!