Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Play date and Sleepover

Last night we had Kayla's B.F.F's, Lexi and Emmy come over for a play date/sleepover. Emmy still needs some time before she is ready to stay the night so she came over to play, have dinner and dessert with the girls before she went home. As usual, the girls dressed up, played school and ran around with Eric when he came home from work. And of course, if the girls are dressing up then...Kyler wants to dress up, too. Eric just comes home and shakes his head when he sees Kyler all dressed up in Kayla's Snow White costume. Lol!! Lexi and Kayla got in bed around 9 and after talking and talking they finally fell asleep around 10:30! These two have the cutest conversations!

Church Tea

On Saturday, Kayla and I went with my mom to a Tea Party at our church. We enjoyed (many) finger sandwiches, scones, and a variety of yummy desserts and of course, hot tea. Kayla was excited to drink Green Tea just like her mommy.

Phoenix Zoo

Last week we went to the zoo with our friends, Stephanie, Emmy and Nate. The weather was perfect and I think it was the first trip to the zoo that Kyler actually seemed interested in looking at the animals. We also headed over to my favorite part of the zoo (sarcasm), the petting zoo. I'm glad I sucked it up because the kids had so much fun petting the goats. Kyler made sure to pet every goat and even gave his favorite goat a hug on the way out.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Party People

Last weekend we celebrated, Hailey, Carson and Joslyn's birthday. We started the day off at Hailey's Minnie Mouse party for her 2nd birthday. The kids had fun bouncing, playing on the swing set and coloring the Minnie Mouse pictures. We then headed over to Kyler's sitter's house to celebrate her kids birthdays, Carson's 3rd and Joslyn's 6th. Carson had a Thomas the Train theme and Joslyn had a pony theme-hence the horses. Kayla and Kyler had SO much fun riding on the adorable ponies! We had such a great day spending time with friends and glad we could celebrate with them.

Girl Scout Promise

This picture turned out a little blurry but you get the idea. Kayla received her Daisy vest last week and had to memorize the Girl Scout Promise for her leader by Wednesday in order to receive the middle part of the Daisy which would be sewed on her vest. Kayla had been practicing all week and was so excited to recite the promise for her leader. As soon as we walked in to her meeting, Kayla ran over to Candy and told her that she was ready. Kayla nailed it and was so proud! Way to go Kayla!

Valentine's Day Craft Party

My friend, Stephanie, had a super cute Valentine's Day craft party at her house. She had a couple of crafts that the kids could decorate and a heart shaped cookie for decorating, too. After decorating and munching on the cookie, the kids headed out back to run around and play. Thanks to her "boyfriend", Jake, Kayla loves to pretend that she is a "girl Power Ranger". So, the girls were Power Rangers and the boys were monsters that were chasing them. It was funny to watch, they take their chasing very seriously.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I Love You Through and Through

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I found this book that I read to the kids and I just thought it would be fun to go back and post some of pictures that capture the personality of Kayla and Kyler. We will always love them through and through...

I love you through and through
I love your top side.
I love your bottom side.
I love your inside and outside.
I love your happy side,
your sad side,
your silly side,
your mad side.
I love your fingers and toes,
your ears
and nose.
I love your hair and eyes.
your giggles
and cries.
I love you running
and walking,
and talking.
I love you through and through...
yesterday, today, and tomorrow, too.