Saturday, August 14, 2010

1st Day of School

Since Kayla does not turn 5 until November she can not start Kindergarten at the public schools until next year. However, Kayla is ready for Kindergarten work so she was able to start Kindergarten 3 days a week at the Montessori. Kayla was SO excited to start school and loves that she is doing big girl work. It is so fun for us to see Kayla so excited for school and eager to learn. She will do great!

Lexi's 4th Birthday Party

Last weekend, we went to Lexi's 4th Birthday party at her Grandma Nancy's house. Alaina got a huge water slide that the kids loved! The kids had a blast swimming, going down the slide and cruising in Lexi's hot new Barbie car. Lexi and Kayla looked a little too comfortable behind the wheel and Alaina and I got a glimpse of what is to come many years down the road! Double Trouble!! Lexi is such a sweet girl and we hope that she had a great birthday!

Weekend at the Cabin

For the past few years our family has always gone camping. However, this year the weather did not seem like it was on our side so we asked Alaina's mom if we could use her cabin. Nancy has a beautiful cabin up north and we were so glad that we were able to get away and spend some relaxing time together as a family.

Slumber Party

Kayla's BFF, Lexi came over to spend the night. I love watching these two play together and get such a kick out of listening to their conversations. Lexi and Kayla are like two peas in a pod and they always have so much fun together!